Advice. Stronghold at 18

Yes, you should. The first one you should be upgrading are your storage, SH, & WT.

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Yeah is a ■■■■■ is worth it in the long run. Was lucky my tc20 fin research as Atlantis was on soo could shove recruits into it.
My tc20 good pulls as I waited a month till Atlantis finished got a horgall still 5* got costume too.
Also gormek BT and cedamon


@Dudeious.Maximus I think that is where i might end up getting my missing vanilla 4 stars and 5 stars.

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I still think Villana are worth it. ceadom I got +8 don’t hurt having another dispel on your team especially for war! Kinda like riposte if you have boril or cyprian def worth maxing as riposte is a pain not many have that


@Dudeious.Maximus I actually got Boril in the November Atlantis portal. So after I max Triton then I will work on him. I still need Caedmon, Rigard, Sabina, Kiril and numerous others. My main is missing most of the top healers and snipers. My most powerful sniper atm is Kingston and at 3-70 he is putting in some serious work. Still waiting on two tonics for him though.


I got him he’s at 1/1 has been for a while I’m on areil at the moment I got a cod aswell 1/1 but I lack padalin and cleric so no idea who to take to 3/60 first.


@Aunty_Krauser, I manage to get Graymane, Triar F&$k and Dawa consistently. Be patient. Also the TC20 goes by pretty quick, like watching water boil or paint dry.

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