Advice on LB

Greetings everyone
I’ve been wondering lately about who is worth the precious Aethers for all elements?..
Purple I’m confused between Alfrike and Arfanias.
Green waiting for worthy hero
Blue same as above
Red ??
Yellow ??
This is what I have

Purple: Alfrike all the way.


Alfrike will make you a beast in rush with Horghall and Elena, you’ll never regret it. Green - Hatter, Blue - Richard/Athena but only if you have enough for the next one - neither are amazing, probably my preference would be athena, Richard even with costume is a bit meh, Yellow - Hanitra or wait, same as above point for blue, not a great hero but valuable nonetheless, don’t do Guardian Owl. Red - My vote is mitsuko, I love her and use her every week in wars against blue hitters (not Sobek!)

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Any by the way, never ever waste your mats on Mok-Arr. I fed my Mok Arr into SE no regrets there.


Im keeping Mokarr since June 2020,
Still waiting the buff :laughing:


Arfanis higher tp and fast

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I have Seshat. She was one of my first 5* heroes. She only hits one. She now gathers dust even with her 20 emblems. Alfrike I got in soul exchange. Use her every week and will never regret giving her the mats, LBs. She will always be useful. Arfanias is decent don’t get me wrong but his usefulness will abate as the OP gets more purple 5*.

Don’t look at TP so much, it is a simple combination of base stats and does not show how good is the special. Arfanias is just a sniper as many others. Alfrike can completely disable the whole enemy team.

I have C Seshat and she sees a lot of daily action! I like her and would definitely LB her.

I would maybe do Alfrike, more for survivability than anything else. I would ignore all the rest and wait for better unless you’re f2p.

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :wolf:

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Well that’s 3 for Alfrike to 1 Arfanias, I’ll LB her no more arguing about it.

unless you’re f2p.

Yes I am, do you have anything in mind?

Probably that F2P can wait really long for somthing better :wink:

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The above exactly. As f2p you could be waiting a long old time for something better. With that being the case I would consider the following:

:new_moon_with_face: Alfrike, But consider Arfanias if you want something more attack focused
:full_moon_with_face: Joon or G.Owl? :thinking: Whichever you use most
:leaves: Hatter (Unless he’s already done. If so, again, whoever you use most)
:snowflake: Raffaele. Great in rush and still a decent healer in other situations
:fire: I’m going to assume Vanda is already done (If not then Vanda) so I would agree with Mitsuko

Just one gamer’s opinion and whatever you decide, I hope it works out well for you

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :wolf:


Alfrike over Arfanias is beyond dispute

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I appreciate the thoughtfulness and spirit of this message, which is quite appreciated, but this one stuck out to me. The advice is certainly sound, but:


Should you eat a peanut butter sandwich, or a brick soaked in lye?
Should you wear a red polo shirt, or sixteen squares of sandpaper held together by weasels?
Should you play gin rummy, or jump into a bathtub filled with bromine?

Sometimes Option One is perhaps not your favorite option of all time, but when Option Two is clearly untenable, you probably don’t have to work very hard. :wink:

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Couldn’t agree with you more. Purple, Blue and red were straightforward choices for me. Yellow & Green options are like being stuck between a rock and a hard place in my opinion but if you’re hungry with only 2 options then you gotta eat. G.Owl isn’t actaully that awful if used wisely and I have only come to this conclusion because I’ve seen a couple of people use him very well. Both are better options than Hanitra though who I unfortunately wasted darts on. Personally I would consider them both prime candidates for the next soul exchange

I’m so using this :joy: :joy: :joy:

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :wolf:

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Alfrike good for rush only, even limit broke.

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Not really answering your question here but you really need 20 emblems in your s1 heroes such as costume Richard you won’t unlock supreme tallents unless u have 20

Makes him so much better

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Hanitra or Owl
Mitsuko, JF or Vanda

Def heroes need the LB the most, so if you have any on your team that aren´t those are always good candidates.
Otherwise I always prefer hitters of healers for LBs, if I have to choose.
And I would avoid S1 heroes if possible, they still suck even with LB… Of course if you have no choice, then you have no choice…
Any S1 hero you use absolutely HAS to have 20 talents. This is the way to make them at least somewhat catch up to other heroes.

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Everyone who says “you’ll never regret it” hasn’t been paying attention.

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