Need advice on future both offense team (one generally useful main team if possible) and defense team to be competitive in Diamond. Currently my roster is Wu Kong, Melendor, Wilbur, Isarnia, Rigard on defense and pretty much the same on offense - I’m somewhere between 2100-2300+ cups (2417 was max). I fight mainly 7* and some 8* titans - I’m happy to usually get tier 9 loot with for three chances on ascension items. In few days I will be running TC20, I plan to run two TC20 in future - I hope to get some good 5* in next few months. I did few pulls on Atlantis and events, but chances for hotm are small, I’m not counting much for other hotm a events 5* (last time I was lucky, and I don’t plan to spend much). For ascension mats I like to skip mainly monster chests, do titans, rare quests and special events and AW. Now I hope that on diamond I will have better chances on ascension materials. So I’m looking for good 5* for both attack and defense teams mainly from what I have and what I hope to get from TC20.
Ascension materials:
4* - 3x dam. blade, 2x tome, 4x tabard, 3x darts, 1x rings telescope and tonic
3* - 7x compass, 5x gloves, 8x trap tool, 6x blade, 5x shield, 4x cape, 3x orb
Red 5* - Khagan 3/70
Blue 5* - Isarnia 4/65 (will be fininshed soon)
Green 5* - Evelyn (fresh 9/2 now)
Yellow 5* - Musashi (fresh 47/1 now)
Purple 5* - Domitia 2/60
Red 4* - Wilbur 4/70, Falcon 3/60, Lancelot and 2nd Falcon
Blue 4* - Grimm 3/60, Triton and two more Grimms
Green 4* - Melendor 4/70, Gadeirus 3/60, Skittleskull
Yellow 4* - Wu Kong 4/70, Jackal 3/60, Li Xiu 3/60, 2nd Wu Kong
Purple 4* - Rigard 4/70, Cyprian 3/60, 2nd Cyprian
What would be good 5* offence and defense teams to stay in diamond if I can get any TC20 hero and have enough 4* ascension materials in few months? I want to spend materials on best possible heroes and balanced “starter” teams only, so if you have suggestions, ideally heroes rosters in order I gladly appreciate to read them. For sure I will need good 5* tank for defense team.