Advice needed cause I'm kinda frustrated at the moment

Hello everyone i play this game for almost a year now, I’m ftp player mostly ctp sometimes i can say, buying these cheap offers here and there but after today I’m done with these offer’s too. I did two x10 pulls today in atlantis and i must say i was expecting more cause gathering all those dias took me awhile but we all know is pure rng so anyways. I need your advices about my roster on who to focus, also adout dupes or even triple to deeper my bench, i know that 4* are the backbone,my main goal is wars and titans any advice is needed thank you in advance.

@zephyr1 could this thread be moved, please

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Getting Magni and Hel from 20x summons is really good! Even getting Hel alone, if you already got Magni elsewhere.

While you wait for your last few farsight scopes and tabards for those; Ameonna, Little John, Scarlett, Cheshire Cat, Gadeirus, are pretty nice titan heroes.
They’re all good for war too, as are Triton and Proteus, two of my favourite 4*s.I also don’t think Skittleskull is quite as bad as people say he is. Chao will also help for war while you wait on Wu Kong for titans. You have plenty of heroes there that you will get long term use out of.


I moved it from the players guide category to the general category

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Hel was from two single dias pull - onatel free token the rest was from tc20 thank you.

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Very impressive roster, no need to be frustrated. You’re pretty close on 4* ascension mats so I’d get your 5*s up first. You already have great healers maxed out so focus your time & resources on Hel and Magni. Lianna almost has enough tonics and Leonidas can go to tier 3. After that, I usually look at my hero classes and see what class needs more heroes to be able to complete those quests.

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3x proteus, triton, a lot of 4* AND HEL and you are disappointed?! lol, what’s wrong with you? that’s a great haul for 20 pulls!!

I’m jealous. I want those heroes but I don’t have them.

Thank you both! :heart_decoration:

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YOu have a decent batch of heroes… Proteus is one of the best 4*s for events. Hel is better of course but can only be used on legendary and you dont have the mats to finish her yet. You have lianna and onatel, rigard, BT, tib, li xiu. You have a great roster. I would definitely finish a proteus then work on hel in purple
Kiril and triton in blue then magni
LJ would have been great for the current raid tournament and great for titans
Finish scarlet in red

You are doing better then other players in a year of C2P/F2P

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Gotta agree with the masses. Read around and soak in the bitterness. Trust me I would b happy as heck if I were u and don’t mention it too often. U may have some players trying to stalk u for that kinda pull. I mean Hel alone is fantastic!!!

96 summons today get atomos

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Meh that suxs mate …

Frustrated about what exactly having more 5* than many people and great 4* as well? Again, people focusing on hero’s without considering how many mats they will need. Having a stable of 5s at 1.1 is horrible. I have a few 5s and a good bunch of 4s. I’m low diamond high platinum and im 10-0 in the new raid tournament in the top 1-5%. I think people have to decide do they want to play the game effectively(which requires no gems) or have every new hero which requires lots of money and loads of frustration. I have gems and Atlantis coins waiting. Here’s the thing. Right now they are all potential. They could be poseidons, hel, tarlak, anyone. But once I use them it becomes real and they are who they are(usually not who I want.) And my alt f2p had Aegir and 8 4* plus a bunch of 3s. Not 1 penny spent. Yes I got lucky with Aegir(love the buff). I also focused on getting to sh20, then tc20. Tc19 finishes 3 days then tc20 plus research. I know from my main that it could be all 3s or a 5 might pop outn. But I’m no longer frustrated. Do I want poseidon, yes. But if I don’t get him I can still accomplish everything I could without him. Its what you want from the game that you have to decide. If you want frustration, there’s a great thread (Perhaps a mod could point it out) where people complain about spending thousands of dollars and get nothing. Then they think sg rigs their account and messes with raids. Truly hilarious. There’s a video on YouTube(many actually) but the guy does 3 30x plus a 10 plus some singles and gets kage, isarnia and frida in 1st 30. Second 30 he gets nothing. Third gets nothing either until the end when he gets 3, yes e frida. I have seen 2 but never 3. But he wasn’t happy since he wanted ariel…lol.

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I put this up a few days ago and it expands on the points @Obsidian just mentioned. Please give it a read. It will really change ur mind on exactly how “great” having a roster of a ton of legendary heros really is. Please understand I’m not saying this to rub salt in anyone’s wounds but I have 21 legendary heros. I don’t dare do a pull ever again. And also try again and guess how many I have maxed??? And by the way they all came when I first started playing this game 8 months ago. I’ll save u the trouble too of guessing. 3. 3 out of 21. All my others can’t even compete against my maxed 4*s. And on top of that currently there r like 7 now sitting doing squat because I won’t have the materials to ascend them to 4 for maybe another decade. Anyway please take a look

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It was actually your post that I had in mind when writing mine. Your post is great in letting people know that you can have a bench of 1.1 5* but not be having fun. I’ve got a bunch of 4* and 4 5s job is at 3.70 waiting for darts and the others I got from tc20. I have mats but not for every hero in game. Yet my 4* team finishes legendary challenge events, I’m in 1-5% in raid tournament and I finish the 3 stages of trials. Mostly since I had to build 3s, then slowly got and built 4s now I’m getting and building 5s. Do I want poseidon, hel, etc…yes. Will i be okay without them, yes. In my alt I got lucky and in a single token Atlantis pull I got aegir within 2 weeks of creating an alt account. He got to 2.60 slowly and is now at 3.60 going to 3.70 but has to sit until I get scopes. In that alt, I’ve got maxed 3s, and 8 4s all for free. Never a dime spent alt. My 4s are all 4.xx and I have 2 4s ill start afterc that. I thank you for c the post. Too many hero’s then run here asking who to level or complaining about mats. Your post should be mandatory reading along with the Gacha post…thanks.

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Thank u @Obsidian. I was honestly trying to emphasize EXACTLY what u just said. There is more fun in this game figuring strategy and finding a way thru elemental links and specials that stack than just thinking ‘I need 25 Legendary Heros!’ I am glad u enjoyed reading it. I’m kind of a math nerd too so that’s why I threw in the stuff about stats and what it actually takes to b ‘guaranteed’ any one result. But thanks very much. Have a wonderful day and always b well!

Thank you all for your advices and opinions i guess a needed a litle boost in morale

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Anytime and I cannot tell u how much u just boosted my morale by actually being the first person ever to read others opinions and come to a very calm and logical conclusion. Kudos. Most people won’t back down from a standpoint on these pulls and it seems u really r the kind of player who wants to have fun and with ur roster u will do a lot of damage! Best to u!!!:+1:

Lol, i do much more pulls then you and have far less luck.

Don’t be frustrated, i see good stuff in there.