Advice for New Players, or "All the things I wish someone had told me when I first started."

Greetings @ansa. I have been playing since January and I’m in a similar situation. My alliance is fighting 9* titans - the last titan the highest score was 268k damage whereas I did 59k and I got an assortment of loot (loot is better with bigger titans).

War situations you need to be strategic with your flags to maximise your points for the team. So my role is cleaning rather than taking on a tank (at the moment my hero’s hit more like a duster). Through team work and coordination in the last 2 wars I’ve averaged 140 points.

My current level is 28 / TP3000… I’m the least experienced although now not the lowest power level. I’m also keen to fight amongst players at my experience level but there are other factors to consider as well.

I hope my thinking aloud (although “rant” may be more precise) has in someway helped you? :thinking:


@ansa Ansa, it is generally best to be comparable to your alliance mates in power under most circumstances. If you are the biggest fish in the pond, you can’t grow anymore and need a bigger pond. If you’re the smallest, you’ll find yourself struggling to stay alive.

That said, it is more important to be in an alliance that will help you learn the game and grow your team.

@Verlon, alliances use trophy requirements to make sure that the members they attract will have strong enough teams to handle their titans and war opponents. It’s really not fun to try to hit a titan, barely scratch it, and have it one-shot your entire team. Unfortunately, the alliance settings don’t allow us to set a minimum defense team power or cumulative war roster score, both of which would be more useful.

This is a great summary of tips for new players. This topic helped me when I started playing. But specifically, the most important point that helped me, was point 4. I want to delve deeper here… because it’s so important to ensuring you enjoy the game and get those rare ascension items for the 4 stars and 5 stars.

This is more so for the new players lurking, in case they are wondering why you recommend the 3 star heroes first:

Aside from needing more food and time, 4 star and 5 star heroes need specific items to ascend and continue getting stronger. You will not have these items right away. You cannot get these items from map levels. You cannot buy all these items frequently, with the exception of the limited promotions (key word limited).

Most importantly, you are not guaranteed to get 4 stars or 5 stars… nor should you expect to get them as soon as you start. If you just wait for them, you are not going to get far at all, and you won’t enjoy the game. It took me 3 months of pulls before I got a 4 star. :stuck_out_tongue:

Comparatively, you only need to get to Training Camp level 10 for a chance at 3 stars, or level 12 for guaranteed 3 stars. You can also guarantee getting them from Elemental summons and Epic summons, and if you’re lucky, you can get one from the Regular Summon. While you wait for gems, you can simply use all your strongest heroes to move through the map or grind for resources.

I find the items come naturally from playing the game. But to guarantee that you get off to the quickest possible start in the game, a 3 star team will be your quickest and best bet. They are quick to max out in levels as a result of not needing rare ascension items and less resources.

Whether you’re planning on spending money for gems or not, this is what I recommend to get 3 stars quickly:

  1. Save until you get at least 300 gems,
  2. Wait for the Elemental Summon of the color you are hunting for,
  3. Rinse and repeat.

Aim to get your 3 star teams maxed out first. Get one or two teams of 3 star heroes (5 ~ 10 3 star heroes), then you can start focusing on 4 star heroes. Then 5 stars.

Healers that replenish all heroes HP. Regardless of rarity, the first one you get will be useful right away and should replace frail Sharan. Healers will save you from having to craft potions, and will be used for a long time.


@Sarah2 What alliance are you in? You sound very knowledgeable:)

Oh @Bella99… Anonymity blown😁

Anything to add…

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3 weeks has passed from my last line up trouble and now I think my line up will be quite steady, all though if I collect gems I try to summon holy 4*

# Blue: Star Tier level Skill Comment
4 Sonya 4 1 of 4 1 1 of 8 3rd priority
1 Gunnar 3 3 of 3 50 8 of 8 finished
1 Karil 3 3 of 3 50 8 of 8 finished
3 Valen 3 1 of 3 1 1 of 8 2nd priority
2 Kiril 4 3 of 4 28 8 of 8 1st priority
4 Graymane 3 2 of 3 28 3 of 8 waiting his turn
5 Ulmer 3 1 of 3 1 1 of 8 4th priority
1 Frida 5 1 of 5 1 1 of 8 atlantis bonuspick x2

This is situation atm: I have finished Gunnar and Karil and Kiril is soon 3/60 and I don’t have ascension materials to further. Last Prio was: Valen, Sonya and Ulmer.

So I was wonder whom to focus next? There is Sonya, Valen, 2X Frida and Ulmer I haven’t fed the Graymane yet and there is still 2 over 6 needed

# Green: Star Tier level Skill Comment
1 Carver 3 3 of 3 50 8 of 8 finished
2 Fraiar Tuck 3 3 of 3 50 8 of 8 finished
3 Kashhrek 4 3 of 4 22 4 of 8 1st priority
4 Gobler 4 1 of 4 1 1 of 8
6 Isshtak 3 1 of 3 1 1 of 8
5 Belith 3 1 of 3 1 1 of 8
? Gadeirus 4 1 of 4 1 1 of 8 atlantis pick
? Mnessus 3 1 of 3 1 1 of 8 atlantis pick

Carver and Tuck are finished. Kashhrek is soon 3/60 and I don’t have ascension materials for him. And regardin to our last conversation, I think the order is:
Belith, Mnessus, Gobler ( he get the buff, ) and Gadeirus my opinion (and quick reed about him that he ain’t that good) And I can feed Isshtak?

# Purple: Star Tier level Skill Comment
1 Balthazar 3 3 of 3 50 6 of 8 finished
2 Tyrum 3 3 of 3 50 8 of 8 finished
3 Cyprian 4 3 of 4 42 8 of 8 1st priority
? Oberon 3 1 of 3 9 1 of 8 waiting his turn
? Prisca 3 1 of 3 1 1 of 8 waiting his turn
? Renfeld 3 1 of 3 1 1 of 8 my first from TC13
? Ameonna 4 1 of 4 1 1 of 8 atlantis pick
? Gil-Ra 3 1 of 3 1 1 of 8 atlantis pick

Balthazar and Tyrum is finished and Cyprian is soon 3/60 I don’t have ascension materials for him. And regardin to our last conversation I have only pulled Gill-Ra. And regarding this post:

Ameonna and Gill-Ra is C graded, so I don’t whom I suppose to focus. Ameonna has special that is quite silly/funny. (faced few times)

# Yellow Star Tier level Skill Comment
1 Wu Kong 4 3 of 4 60 8 of 8 waiting orbs
2 Bane 3 3 of 3 50 8 of 8 finished
3 Gan Ju 3 3 of 3 49 7 of 8 1st priority
4 Kailani 3 1 of 3 14 3 of 8 2nd priority
5 Dawa 3 1 of 3 3 1 of 8 waiting his turn no nobody else comes

My Achilles heel, Gan Ju is just going to be finished and then Heading to Kailani. =(

# red Star Tier level Skill Comment
1 Azar 3 3 of 3 50 5 pf 8 finished
1 Hawkmoon 3 3 of 3 50 8 pf 8 finished
2 Nashgar 3 3 of 3 42 8 of 8 finished
3 Scarlet 4 1 of 4 1 1 of 8 1st priority
Sumitomo 4 1 of 4 1 1 of 8 2nd priority
4 Jahangir 3 1 of 3 1 1 of 8 3rd priority

Red is quite simple,
Finish Scarlett to 3/60, then Sumimoto to same level and then Jahangir.

I know I’m gonna be in big trouble with ascension materials and wondering whom to ascend, when I have them…

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I would kill for that feature!

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Thanks alot for this wise advise

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no 1… yes i agree, this game created so we can enjoy the progress, taking notes along the way where to find anything you need to level up…
no.2 yes yes yes…better to win the low level than wasting energy to be fail on higher/new level
3. level 13 here i come…a lil additional advice…avoid upgrading watchtower, it should be the last building to upgrade, them higher your watchtower, the more likely peoples will hit you, especially when you are sleep
4. yes it is very effective way to grow…focus on 3* first, they will very usefull in war
5. yes sir focus, even if you have 3 training camps,
6. keep the refill until you have a good solid defense team
7. can i feed away may 2nd?
8. no need to create new alliance…so many out here very active all you need is being a member who contribute,
9. in half year playing you will get there for free if you spend atleast 100 world energies, 10-12 raid energies and 3 titan energies daily…
10. that’s why i WILL log in here every single day…


Disagree about letting yer watchtower slide, I’ve made way more trophies on defense than I have on offense. The production rate of resources is too good to pass up at higher WT levels. Do a comparison…


maybe it will a good idea to upgrade WT if you have a strong def, but we talking about how we first started the game, i remember struggling in def, and everytime i wokeup i saw 4-5 people beat me… lol…so then i avoid upgrading WT to keep my rss low there and only 2-3 attack in 4-5 hours idle, and i safe few more rss and trophies…ill upgrade it when my def reach 3,5k+ i think…

I bought the year VIP and 1000 gems for $4.95 because it was such a deal.

@Oxypaul They are showing you what you may get when you summon a hero. You do not get to choose. The hero you get is random. There is a high chance you will get a 3 star hero, less of a chance you’ll get 4 star and a small (very small?) chance you’ll get a 5 star hero. Hope that helps.

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I have heroes etc at different levels but what are the stars next to them mean ??
e.g. hero at level 3 with 2 stars ? what are they and can you get more stars ??

what do the stars mean on a hero ??

@Stlipup can you post a screenshot of a hero card to clarify what you’re asking about the stars?

Stars and Tiers can not increase, it means can not be upgraded.

1 Star = 2 Tiers
2 Stars = 3 Tiers
3 Stars = 3 Tiers
4 Stars = 4 Tiers
5 Stars = 4 Tiers

Each Tiers has maximum level to go to next Tier.
So, a suggestion is not leveling up 1 star heroes, also leveling up 2 stars only if we do not have that rainbow color.