Additional Rare Emblem Quests

Currently we have 10 different emblem quests, each involving two heroes selected from one of two pools of five heroes. At the same time, several people have suggested having a class-specific summon, but twice a week is clearly too often for such a thing.

My suggestion is to add one “rare emblem quest” after each cycle of the normal emblem quests. The rare quest would be four levels long, giving 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 emblems, perhaps a 3* trainer at level 3 and a 4* at level 4. Maybe the fourth level would have 3 waves of mobs, fourth wave with two bosses and fifth wave with three bosses.

To add variety, these new quests should take one class out of each of the old pools of five classes. I would suggest the following:

Ranger - Barbarian : Trials of the Hunt
Barbarian - Druid : Trials of the Wilderness
Druid - Sorcerer : Trials of Deep Magic
Sorcerer - Monk : Trials of Subtlety
Monk - Wizard : Trials of Self-Denial
Wizard - Cleric : Trials of Magical Power
Cleric - Fighter : Trials of Faith
Fighter - Paladin : Trials of Combat
Paladin - Rogue : Trials of Opposites
Rogue - Ranger : Trials of Craftiness

This could be combined with a class-specific summon (as it only occurs every 5 weeks, it doesn’t disrupt so much). This would probably replace the elemental portal for the two days that it is open.

I would suggest that the summon give only the two featured classes, with possibility of receiving S1/S2/S3 heroes. Each one could then have “featured heroes” selected from events. I would even suggest featuring 2 5* (one of each class), 1 4* (of one of the classes) and 1 3* (from the other class).

There is one small difficulty with that distribution: we would need event 3* for Barbarians, Druids and Sorcerers, and an event 4* for Druids. As we expect to get 2 new 3* for Halloween/Christmas and 2 new 4* as well, most of this can be “covered” without too much problem. The last missing 3* would have to be slotted in somewhere… But then the Chances could be similar to events with a good chance of the featured 3*/4* and decent chance of the 5*.

This would give a “complete rotation” of rare emblem quests in approximately one year, which is reasonable, I think.

Old suggestions related to this one: