Adding new 4* Heroes in Hero academy (Poll)

Even though I’m still far away from Stronghold 25 and Hero Academy, I suppport this. Many of us still lack many 4* heroes… Since this option exists at Hero Academy 8, that would be great to have a chance to get season 1 event heroes and season 2 and season 3 4* heroes. A 25% of getting any non season 1 hero would be just great.


Hey SG
you need to work on hero academy, stop spending your time with limit breakers, the new rare titans loots reduction, non s1 costumes etc…
No players asked for these changes

You are introducing more and more heroes, we need a relevant way to get some free non s1 heroes
7 day for the hero academy with 5% chance of non s1 its barely 2 5*/ year not considering the fact we can get a dupe from these non s1
You MUST reduce training time !!!

there is still no way to get a non s1 3* and 4*
what are you waiting for ? add atlantis/valhalla and all old events heroes to HA, its easy, it wont take you more than 5minute to make these change live

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big thumbs up for your idea!

Today’s Q&A this was mentioned and it would appear that the staff won’t consider this idea, at least for now (if not forever);

Considering the high amount of support for adding 4 Atlantis / event etc. Heroes to hero academy, could this be on the table?*

  • JOEL: We’re adding more 5* heroes to Hero Academy in version 39, including Rana, Yunan, and Roc. There are currently no plans to add Rare or Epic heroes to Hero Academy.

Disappointing, as I think it could have been implemented in a way to not harm the in “game economy” and would have added some extra value to the hero academy.

Maybe if we keep the topic alive they would reconsider down the road, they have reconsidered things in the past.


I don’t believe adding non-S1 4* is related to game economy. It is SG economy/income.


I admire your optimism… I’m also disappointed. SG also said in that same interview, they were looking for ways to help newer players catch-up…

… and that we are getting a new season every year…

… yet many 3* and 4* will still remain inaccessible.

Sigh. But yes let’s keep trying…


@Kane2 Good luck with that, truly.

I thought it was very telling how they released HA. I had a small hope that they could possibly re-do HA to be much improved like they did for AL.

I now see clearly, that what I saw as a possible precedent for meaningful change, seems 99.9% unlikely to happen.

Even if somehow they later allowed 4* retraining, look at HA10 with its poor chance, high cost, and long training time. To be clear, this is not implying the entire HA is useless.

It’s just really, really underwhelming for the most advanced building in the game.


I find their statement to be hypocritical.

Yes… it’s why I quoted both statements side by side. Even many of us older players cannot get reasonable access to those heroes


I still don’t have Wilbur…

Anybody seen my Proteus?

Please make the hero academy more useful. The epic hero train section to give the 4 star heroes of challenge events and season 2&3 epic heroes like the legendary retrain have a small chance to give not joust the ordinary heroes. And of course the costumes of the ordinary ones.


Sadly, the developers had said in Q&A that they will not add anything about 4* heroes in academy as it will hurt their economy.


seriously I think the possibility to train S1 4* and 3* heroes in HA is pretty useless.
Players who are advanced enough to build the Hero Academy and level it up dont need any vanilla 3* or 4* hero. And they should have up to four TCs which can deliver those heroes. I would be happy to have a chance for the Teltoc 4* heroes, the rest is not very tempting.
I doubt they will ever include this so the two HA levels have to be build to progress, but I will never explore them.

11% voted NO
89% voted yes but they are all f2p or very c2p, SG dont care about them

these 11% p2w and whales are the most important
and my ally mates agree too, they dont want non s1 4/3* added to HA coz its will just make the competition harder, actually most of them think its unfair that f2p could get a guardian panther in HA while they spent thousands to summon her

Are you telling me that the P2W are afraid of competition? that they prefer to win easy?
Besides when you are P2W you start getting in bigger alliances, top cup ranking so you are facing other P2W player not really and FTP or in most of the cases CTP players

The difference is that you got the new shiny important hero sooner than everyone else, and sometimes years sooner, because the chances are minimal

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How about 4* costumes as well?


Since apparently adding 5* costumes in retraining “doesn’t hurt the economy,” I’d happily support if retraining a 4* hero in HA would offer possible 4* costumes from Costume Chamber. And give it the same chance as HA10 giving a costume, 5%.


Sg told me to tell you to stop dreaming
thanks :rofl:

I’m still curious when they plan on releasing all those costumes they “sneak peaked” when it was clear we didn’t want non-S1 costumes on already powerful heroes. When cFinley and cLady of the Lake and cDrake Fong coming out?

Already expect a cBlack Knight and cKrampus too. Lmao