About limit breakers

I understand this. It’s got nothing to do with making my roster better (yet again)… but there’s aspects it just seems no one remembers…

  1. Emblems came out for this same exact reason. Did it make your Richard’s more relevant?

…No, thus Costumes came out.

  1. Emblems came out and created an imbalance that balanced itself out not the other way around.

…For a game that touts balance around as a blanket, it sure does like creating solutions for non existent problems.

  1. If you are one who has a “meh” roster, comprised of Season 1, how invalid and for how long will this concept invalidate your whole rosters? You gonna toss them on 4* heroes as well to keep them up to snuff?

…What about Event and Hotm costumes when they come out since that’s equally “non-negotiable”?

…and in another year or so when this same problem resurfaces, you keeping that same energy again?

Do you even use Rainbow in raids and war offense? Can only do one at a time per element after all.

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20 more :thinking:

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Sergiocarraca, just tell me how SG is making money here since nothing can is for sale when it comes to limit break. You get the items needed from quests. - in general, I am delighted that SG makes a lot of money - otherwise we’d still be stuck somewhere with only S1 and S2. I love the new seasons, events and heroes and would not enjoy game play as it was 2 years ago when I started playing. - Limit break does not make the difference between P2P and F2P bigger, it just doesn’t change it, just as emblems don’t change the existing gap.

Ferg, please tell me why this is a money-grab when the required items are only available in quests. ‘Money-grab’ is the favourite word in the forum currently, usually used without any knowledge of what it implies. I also am so tired of hearing about Limit-break might not improve the gap between F2P and P2P, but it also doesn’t worsen it. - it’s just an extension of emblems which means that all this here is just is nothing but a storm in a teacup.

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Limit breakers are not for sale just right now, that’s all. If you count on SGG to not use an opportunity to milk the cash cow some more when they see one, you are very naive indeed. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


ok @Azazel_Nox I think I might be getting your ultimate point now. I’m glad you’ve made a longer more comprehensive post about your reasoning.

I thought your point was, “Don’t bother using S1 heroes at all.”

But now I see your point may instead be, “Sadly, using limit break mats on S1 heroes is a waste because these mats are scarce; and even limit breaking S1 heroes will not make them competitive with the non-S1 types. Whatever you do, an Elkanen with costume will never equal a Phileas Fogg (just plucking these heroes out randomly as an example). So even if you max, +20 emblem AND limit break Elkanen and his costume… you will never beat a Phileas Fogg who has also been emblemed and limit broken.”

And therefore, the conclusion is to just save the limit break mats for the Phileas Fogg anyway…?

AM i understanding your point correctly?

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I missed this earlier, and it adds context to your other post. I think I get what you’re saying now. Instead of constantly trying to keep up, maybe just accept that my costumed, emblemed, limit broken S1 heroes will never be up to snuff with the latest releases.

and sorry, I just saw that you’re quitting. I sympathize, I have been thinking of quitting too. And I also see you’re a beta player. It must not have been fun being in beta 3x, seeing the limit breakers, giving feedback, and not being listened to. Sorry @Azazel_Nox . I misunderstood where you were coming from. I think you are coming from a place of frustration just like many of us.


So the stats on the right are with limit breaker applied. From here we can level five more times? And have five more stat increases?

If I remember correctly, that is exactly how it’ll work. That stat boost shown on the screen (aka limit break) is an instant boost, while the five more levels add more to those stats (but less, i think). :crazy_face:
edit 1: After all, a completely maxed out defense with 5x 5* at 4.85+20 and lvl 30 troops will break the 5k team power.
edit 2: With the best and most shiny heroes (maybe costumes as well), team power 5100 should be possible.

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This is a painfully obvious shortsighted view.

Your LB’d S1 heroes will not be able to compete with newer heroes.


The newer heroes will be LB’d too. You’ll be back where you started — except with a lower checking account balance.


Against the AI? Sure! You’ll get past stages and quests a bit easier.

PvP? Forget it. You won’t be any more competitive then than you are now. You only have a few good heroes? They have to choose which of their superior heroes to upgrade?

See where I’m going with this?


Looking at how the LB mats are accrued, the big spenders will be amassing more of them sooner than you will. They place higher in the weekly and monthly events and will get more awards.


Emblems also weren’t for sale, the only option getting them is through ingame activities. I can show you a lot of emblem deals.
Do you really think it will be anything different with limit breakers?
They will be only loot at the beginning and sonner or later you will be able to buy them, probably when all those nice defense teams are limit broken and you are desperate to limit break your attack teams.

Of course it worsen it. I mean I explained it in the post you was referring to :thinking:.
At the beginning everybody is at an disadvantage, of course people with bad heroes more than people with good heroes, later when they are (maybe) for sale once again, p2p have an advantage they can limit break more heroes so they have better attack results, when everything is limit broken its exactly the same situation as now.

So for a time it worsen it and after that it changes nothing.
We have already seen that with emblems…


I like a more recent post that says bring it on. Let’s have all these bad ideas because it will help some of the slightly addicted players to get off the game and save time and money.

Having three accounts, limit breakers have killed it for me. Just as I get close to a good level, more unevenness and disparity arise.

This is too much.

Why didn’t they increase storage and production instead? Just not interested in waiting months for everything.

Limit breakers could clean out many long term players. Might be a good thing.


Don’t give them ideas :rofl:


Seems that most of the beta players took all this as huge offense vs them. Beta said no, SG said yes coz it was decided even before beta got it. Interesting battle, Now beta players doesnt do their job in beta and SG wont get fixing feedback or is this just a boom what will be passed soon. Interesting to follow what happens.

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Yeah… especially I wouldn’t put it past them to try it … :joy:

After the time it took to get my main up i will give up on the third. Its f2p and going nowhere fast.

My second is c2p but ive stopped spending completly.

If they increase production and storage limits then maybe………of course i believe the workd is flat………until sg said it wasnt.

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My GF is FTP and has been playing 3 years whereas i am buying deals and playing just over a year.( I am not mean i did also offer to buy her some deals )

But basically , I have accumulated twice as many emblems as a FTP who has been playing the much longer than me.
Emblems are for sale in the shop, they are for sale in magpies emblems boutique and i can also expedite emblems using gems from the AL. I also get more than a 1000 emblems a year from VIP. And 1000 + extra from valor pass.
Emblems are also for sale in other deals i.e springvale festival and many others.


Yes, that’s more close to my meaning. Apologies if I was (as it seems) conveying an entirely different message.

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Thanks for confirming! And no worries, apologies too for misunderstanding- communication is two way after all.

I’m also sorry for not picking up on your frustration earlier, and I wish I had been kinder in my earlier replies.

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