A Novice in need of some pointers

Hello everyone! I’ve been playing for about 4 months but still have a lot to learn. This is a snap shot of the heros I have so far. Which of these heros do you guys and gals recommend I should use as a over all team for playing and leveling up?

@David7620, there is no one overall team for playing. The heroes you use to attack or to play a map level should be different each time based on what you’re facing, and different from your defense team.

That said, I can give you some pointers for a solid defense team, and some key heroes to level up for other purposes

You’ve got some good options to work with there! The entire first two rows (plus Jackal) are all good heroes to have maxed for a looooong time. I’ve been playing around 14 months now (and have spent a good amount of money), and still use several of those pretty regularly, in wars, against titans, and on the map.

I would prioritize leveling Rigard, Wu Kong, Grimm, Caedmon, and Boldtusk first. (Kiril is the better overall hero than Grimm, but you don’t want to go TOO healer heavy. I’m suggesting Caedmon over Melendor for the same reason, but it’s debatable which one of them is better overall.)


I’ll echo this too. I meant to say something similar in my reply above. But at the same time, I get the desire to focus on a “starting five” first, both for your defense team, and because it’ll help you progress on the map more quickly.

Expanding on that thought though, I honestly wouldn’t worry about your raid defense team too much. There’s not a lot of upside to having a really good defense. It’ll keep your cup count relatively high, sure. But what good does that do you? The loot you’d get from Silver chests isn’t all that much better than the loot you get Bronze chests. It’s more important to fill those chests quickly, and start the timer for the next one, because that will increase the frequency with which you get elemental chests to appear, and that’s where the real good loot comes from. So lower cup counts = easier raid chest filling = more elemental chests = better loot.

ETA: Same goes for other levels of chests too, which I didn’t make clear above. Frankly, even the loot from Diamond chests is pretty underwhelming.

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For defense, I would use Kiril, Rigard, Li Xiu, Colen and Caedmon in that order. For a general purpose attack team, you could use Boldtusk, Grimm, Caedmon and 2 other hitters of a strong color against the biggest threat.

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Wu is awesome for titans, but horrible for defense. Jackal is great when paired with another yellow, but a little fragile for defense. Melendor and Sabina both do the same thing, heal + dispel.


Whatever @gregschen said.

For a someone new, best to have focus on offense. Forget about raid defense.
Rewards comes basically from winning attacks and hitting hard on titans.
Also, finishing up your campaign map.

Just do your first row FIRST
Then followed by your 2nd (except Li Xiu and replace her with Jackal)