A Kashhrek problem

@FrenziedEye I still use him in green stacks on my alt #1 and He is that teams tank for the current tournament.

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I am on upper Platinum lower Diamond raid arena (TP 3800+). I have 4 maxed 4* red.
Even stacking all 4 reds sometimes it is still a struggle to face Kashhrek tank with lots of emblems (+15 and up). Below that, usually it’s a piece of cake.

I used to run him in a colour stack but rapidly ditched him for Melendor who (while a bit more squishy) can heal everyone AND has a MUCH bigger attack stat so does better tile damage.

Green 4* Sorted by Attack:

Green 4* Sorted by Defence:

Green 4* Sorted by Health:

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I have never maxed a Kashhrek on either account and my alt is c2p.
I figured out how to beat him early and saw through the smokescreen of him being some great tank.
Don’t fo it. Use the mats on a LJ or Skityle first.

Gandalf’s heal is pretty good I just think he can’t survive a OHK from a sniper, whereas Kash has def and health stats better than some 5*

Gandalf+20 is an a Great War mage.

Don’t take reds against him and hit the flanks and wings first.

If you emblem him ya sure, neither of them are emblemed for me. Costume would change things obviously!

Kashrek forever!!! :rofl: