A guaranteed response from staff?

Interesting idea.

The forum staff has communicated to the forum moderators that they are trying to revamp communications with the players.

The first evidence of this is a rumored revamp of recent Beta feedback based on Beta feedback given for v1.9 ( Beta v1.9 was before Beta Beat - shout out to @zephyr1 - when they tested single target antidotes to make all ally Super antidotes more desirable).

Hopefully we will see more Devs feedback in the future. But due to “noise ratio” on the general forum, it will probably next expand to Active Player Lounge and select Ideas & Feature Requests topics. So if you have votes, use them in Ideas & Feature Requests.

Pro Tip: On your profile you can view you votes, and change them around

(Profile - Gryphonknight - Empires & Puzzles Community Forum)