A basic guide for absolute beginners

For those of us without any experience at all, it would be nice for a little basic guide in the best way to level up your heroes, what to look for when selecting your tea. & basic tips and tricks like upgrading farms and mines etc.
Just have it as a pin so people can refer to it.

There’s plenty of very useful threads for bigginers spread around the forum. Just use the search function and you’ll find lots of useful info on any given subject. And by all means, join a training alliance, you’ll learn lots of tricks from more experienced players.


@NittanyLionRoar youtube channel has a good scoure of infomation, for beginners in video form that can be a bit easier…

Also as @Ian487 pointed out the search function is a good help…


Basic guide? I’ll be more than happy to help. Option 1. Spend a boatload of cash daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on your available income. Option 2. Uninstall and enjoy spending your cash in another manner. Good luck with your decision!!

Live service game

This changes with most updates because Empires is a live service game ( they are notorious for poor in game information )


Discourse.org has vanishing pins ( see notes )

I recommend forum bookmarks ( see notes )


Browser based bookmarks ( if back up to a cloud server )


Click for notes


([Tip] Searching your forum bookmarks, pinned topics, categories, other users, etc. OR Useful search modifiers- Updated)


(Any thoughts on better organization for Forum Categories & Pinned Posts? - #13 by Gryphonknight)


See also

Some of the below are out of date

First 4* team

Training camps

([Repost, Training Camps] Recruit training - common training ( RT01 ) to Legendary training ( RT20 ) - Advice, Stats, and Math)



(Barry Farmz Here -- Comprehensive data driven farming guide for Season 3, Season 2, Season 1, Elemental Chests, Atlantis Rises, Missions, and more)

VF and AR kits / backpacks

(Valhalla Forever - Optimum Levels for Farming - #54 by Gryphonknight)

VF Gnomes and AR dragons

(Valhalla Forever - Optimum Levels for Farming - #53 by Gryphonknight)

Old link collection

([Guide] “Rage Quit and back again” or How I learned to stop worrying (about 5* s) and Love the 4* s ( told in links )[ 1- 16 months, Manual, Road map])

Wu Kong Grinder gang v1 & v2

(Wu Kong grinder gang or Powerful rainbow auto play team or Wu Kong plus 4 healers)

Wu Kong Cascade Squad

([Play Style] The cascade squad or Wu Kong+ two healers- New Notes 2019-Mar)

Wu Kong Debuff Duo

(Wu Kong Debuff Duo or Smart Probability or Two Defense Down heroes with Wu Kong)

Old link collection

([Links, Links, Links ] Waiting for 5* heroes or effective use of 4* and 3* Hero teams from Legendary training- Updated 2018-Jun-03)

So many opinions

([Links, Links, Links] Discussions about leveling heroes- Updated 2018-Jun-06)

Rare chests ( still no food in them )

([Repost] Rare chest back to back and 2 rare chests at once or any chest can be rare [Reposted for smartphone users and future reference])

Troop, and hero, loot drops

([Repost] Farming 1* / 2* troops and 1* / 2* heroes [Reposted for smartphone users and future reference] Updated 2019-Nov)

Customer support

([Repost] v31+ Contacting Support [Reposted for Smartphone users and future reference])


([Repost] Wilbur Raid Tutorial [Reposted here for smartphone users and future reference])

Emblem economy

(Devs explanation of Emblem drops - reposted here for visibility ( and for smartphone users ))



Thank you so much for all of this. Incredibly kind of you.
I have been doing my own research, and have come across the You Tube channels and the wiki site.
I was just a little frustrated at how in the dark I was after the walkthrough and before I was able to join an alliance.

But thank you so much for the effort that you’ve taken to collate this.


Thank you so much for this.
I have been doing some of my own research and did come across the YouTube vids.
I was just a bit fustrated at being blind in between finishing the walkthrough and joining an alliance
But thanks so much for all the info.

That was really kind.


No probs fourm is here to help, lots of good people on here too help you…
Btw welcome to the forum… also cool name :wink::dragon:


New player base

No longer optimal build order ( for casual or hardcore ) due to recent developments


The above build order is still a very solid option for your base upgrades


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And this: Important links are not secret.. Some may be out of date but most are still relevant.


Beg to disagree. I tried that and it didn’t work. :cry:

1 Like

Have a lot of reading to get through which is great.
Btw, love the name. Geology may rock, but Palaeontologists are there when the coprolite goes down


(ridiculous bragging warning) I actually was top of my class in Palaeo in 3rd year. Postgrad was Palynology and Palaeo ecology. Hard rock geology is more of a hobby that I just happen to be passionate about. I’ve read some hilarious well log reports of people cough BP cough about what they have tried to do to control potential blowouts. :thinking:

BTW, welcome to the forum. There are some truly wonderful helpful guys and girls here. It’s a safe environment. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


No idea what you just said, but you get a like for your passion.

Safety word is banana.


That is hilarious, thank you. :slightly_smiling_face: