7EMPEST Recruiting

Hey all,

We’re a relaxed international alliance, with family based chat. Hitting 11*+ titans to great effect, we keep those chests opening. A well managed war strategy helps us to hit hard above our weight.

Come give us a try


If you want an active chatty and friendly alliance, check us out!

Tired of being in an alliance that doesn’t use all flags in war, leaving Titans. Check out our chatty and active alliance!

Ready for a change? We are an active, chatty alliance. Rules are simple, hit the Titan, is all flags in war and have fun. Check us out!

Bad day? Kids screaming? Boss not given you that pay rise? Can’t quite squeeze back into those clothes that used to fit before lockdown?

We at 7empest, can’t solve these issues, but we definitely can help you find a remedy.

Come have some fun

A couple of Spots just opened. If an active chatty friendly international alliance is what you want, please check us out.

Tense, nervous headache? Forget Nurofen, try 7empest for relief

Ready for a change. An active chatty friendly alliance, the 7empest want you. Come join us!

Still looking for that special player who wants an active, international alliance that is friendly , that takes war and titans seriously, but also realizes that life is more important than game. We are very supportive of our members. Check us out.

Had a player leave due to work schedule, we are looking for for several active players looking for a friendly caring alliance. Come join the fun! The 7empest want you.

just want a good craic, then come and join us

Outstanding, Fantastic, Marvelous Great Alliance, some previous reviews. No need to fact check, just check us out. The 7empest want you!

Looking for new players, come and join in :slight_smile:

Caught you looking. Ready for a change? Come join us, The 7empest

Still looking, have room for one more member. Check us out.

We have one opening for anyone still looking for that special alliance. A player just got tired of the game. Check us out

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