7 players looking out for a gentle alli

Pricky -Pear, thanks for your reply.

We are considering and evaluating now the various offers, and will decide after the alli war !

Thanks again,



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Once the alliance war is over, please consider Lobster Stew.

We formed recently with 15 players from a moribund alliance. We are on our third 6* titan in just our second week of existence.
We formed to remain close, European and North American players, not all are native English speakers but that is our language.
We range from level 16 to 40 with the experienced players actively aiding our newer players.
The idea is that we play the game for fun and we would like it to remain so. The only requirement is to use all the flags if opting into war as that is a team effort.
We communicate via the Line app to help with our tank matching and when coaching the newer players since the format is easier than the in game chat.

Line: SouthernChefBelle


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Hi Taras, We are an English speaking Alliance with 2/3 of players from Europe, and 1/3 from USA. We are currently fighting 9-10 * titans with 22 members. Most of us have 4-6 teams for war. We mainly use Line to communicate and cordinate our war. We have a very nice and experienced leader. 8 slots are open at the moment. Our alliance name is: House of Turpitude. You are welcome to visit us to see how it feels like. If you like, you stay. If you dont like, you can leave. No hard feeling. Just give us a try for titan and a war, then you can make your decision.


We have chosen to join the Lobster stew … here it is still morning (8.15hrs) so the other teammates will come over during the day, even late this Belgian evening .

We are all Belgian, not used to Line, we were not very communicative, but are going all in against itans and war.

The main reason for leaving our small alli is that 3 to 4 members of Felidae are much to irregular….

We hope to find a nice stress free alli, focusing on fun and pleasure, working nicely together.


Luc = Knokenwinkel and Perry

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See you found a new alliance, wish you lots of fun there!

Thanks to everybody for the kind invitations : the choice was not easy!!

Kind regards to all!

Lu c

Thank you very much for placing your confidence in Lobster Stew, we hope to live up to your expectations and that we can help each other while having fun playing the game.

Engaged, pleasant people are always welcome, some slots remain…

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Hey Shercahn,

How many in your new alliance? We just recently made a new alliance too and had one small alliance of about 10 join. We have 8 open spots and are looking for players around 2500+ team power and active. If you are thinking about a merge which would be smart our alliance is Kaishaku and line ID nis rc-cola for leader.


Hi Our alliance name is Kaishaku. English speaking and very active. Players leveled 22-51 about. We have line chat available but also active in game chat. Relativvely new but score already high. Should be able to take down 9/10* titans in time once alliance fills up. We have 8 spots available and would love to have you joing our alliance. Leaders name is RC-cola and his line ID is Rc-cola1 if you want to talk to him.

@Camerom11w are you looking or recruiting? I saw you liked a post.


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