I was debating between Alasie, Athena and Rumpleforeskin before Cobalt came along. I mean, it has to be Cobalt, right? I got some good duplicates I could max, but I’m not sure I wan to max a duplicate just yet. I have a lot of epic hero tokens saved up so I don’t get another Zulag. The Glenda chick seems about on par with the past few heroes of the month. Pretty weak. I’ll max most of these before I get to her.
I have a Cobalt maxed and I don’t think he’s overpowered at all. Cobalt’s 2nd tier firing does a little bit more damage than Drake Fong’s special. So I don’t think they will nerf him.
I would either max Skadi or Cobalt. If you fight Telluria tanks a lot, Skadi is almost a guaranteed win with her stacks. It’s insane how strong her stacks are. Watch this-- Mogulemon EP : Skadi 5 stacks means death - Empires and Puzzles - YouTube
Cobalt on offense isn’t really all that special. You might want to watch a video on that too. Everyone else you know what they do.
Krampus if you need blue tank or as a potential flank for green tank such as Heimdall. Skadi if you want to roadkill Telluria tanks (which there are still plenty of) and minion generators in general. Cobalt can be nasty but he is a bit RNG-dependent on defense.