600 gems to spend

+1 on @Kerridoc’s advice. You are guaranteed to get at least a 3* on each pull from Atlantis, and most all of those 3* will improve your team when leveled. Your existing two 3* are great, but that still leaves 18 or so 3* out of the Atlantis gate that would legitimately help you. So you have a very high chance of drawing something useful.


Vote for this. I will pull 2 times in Atlantis with extra poin for mats chest if you pull 10 times you will get mats.

Btw : they will offer a good deal when Atlantis event coming.

( My alt account is the same boat with yours, I just have 4* red star (3 Scarlet, BT, Kelile) , Bane, and Skittitull. ( I buy started pack Aud 7 , and I make mistake pull , I pull all 900 gem in Red elements summon) and that crazy luck gave all 4* heroes.
And another 300 gem is from gain every reward gem from everywhere since I don’t buy VIP pass.

I doing good with that combo. U will see very strange deffense with 3 red, 1 green and Bane ( I love Bane)
I can pass the mainly map and when I got 2 free hero token, I pull sonya and Prisca. In time you will get the good heroes, if you activate and pattience.

Have a good heroes is awesome, but knowing your
own heroess strength, how to maxed them, how to use them, how to choose the right opponent in raid , will gave you huge benefit!

Have fun and wish you luck with your pull!!!

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Ha! Another player in the same boat as me. I’ve played since June-ish and got Gravy my second? week. I’ve had two 4* reds (BT, Falcon) after a month of playing and never got a blue above 3*.

I was excited when an Atlantis summon indicated a blue hero coming out, but all I got was Gato. Ha!

Both TC13 and TC20 had the same blue output rate for me:

Color 5* 4* 3* Total %
Blue 0 0 2 2 9%

My overall portal summons isn’t much better:

Color 5* 4* 3* Total %
Blue 0 0 9 9 16%

Yellow had a lower rate (13%) but it still gave me two 4* yellows.

I’m still waiting out for Atlantis too, with my gems. I think I pulled one time in Elemental Blue (I was desperate), and all I got was a dupe 3* feeder. Misandra/Athena … where are you???

I hope our luck turns!

Ironically, my baby F2P account got Sonya in her first ever summon from a free Epic Hero token.

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Wish u luck !!!

I’m actually in the same situation as op. Already have a 4* blue kiril but I strongly want zonya instead. With my current rainbow team of 4*,i need a strong hitter and dispeller. Not sure to wait for atlantis summons or use gems now for elemental.

Kiril is way better than Sonya. Get Caedmon: he’s a better dispeller.

True he is better but I already use little john for 4* green. His slow mana ability really helps alot in raids and events.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Advice on where to spend 8400 gems