Guin is the best center in the game right now, followed by Ares. I would still go with Guin as your center tho.
From comparing your possibilities to the top ranked players’ defenses I recommend this setup: Alasie - Lianna/Greg - Guin - Gravemaker - Sartana.
You could also go with Sartana as left and right flank.
Another possibility would be: Sartana - Magni - Guin - Lianna/Gravemaker - Sartana
i actually have no idea why people use gravemaker in defence team? i have faced him many times in raids and he’s riddiculously easy to beat (even with my raid team wich has no blue heroes at all). i see many top players have maxed Gravemaker in def but can’t really understand why?
i also have gravemaker but i have no rush leveling him coz i don’t find him worthy enough.
I know what you’re saying. I believe, he only works well when flanking Guin. His very fast mana + Guins heal work well together and once Gravemaker gets going, his burn damage is not to underestimate.
perhaps so… that remains to be seen and when that time comes, i’ll have my Wu, Merlin, Domitia, Azlar and Red Hood ready to be thrown into the ultimate test.