5 * purple choice for war

I am not thinking for a defense team, I have in my defense: Alberich +8, Ursena+9, Guenievre+9, Kingston +8, Alice +7

I have the choice between: Domitia, Sartana, Ursena*2 for my offence teams in wars

  1. First purple offence team in war: Protee, Tiburtus (costume) + 18, Ursena + 9, Rigard (costume +19), Kagebura +7
  2. other offence team in war: XXX, Rigard (costume) 4,70, Kingston 3,70, Lianna 3,70, Zeline, 3,70

I have 2 choices: ascension of Sartana/Domitia and she takes the place of Protee, or ascension of the second Ursena, for my 6 team of war, good combo with rigard (costume)
What is the best choice ?

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She is great sniper


+1 vote for sartana :slight_smile:

Sefond Ursena would be nice but think it may be overkill and not as quick/versatile as sartana will be :slight_smile:

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Ursena is probably the best of those heros but i like some variation and sartana is worth of tabbards too.
I would go with Sartana

If you had another tibsC for that second team, I’d prob go with urs #2 since you’ve got snipers between Lianna and king… but as it is… sartana gets my vote. Her attack stats aren’t great, but rigC makes her shine a little brighter. I have two maxed fwiw.

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Sartana is great for what you need. She can finish off what Kage/ Ursena start. Your Purple crew is entirely average mana other than Kage (yes, with the costume buff for some), so adding a strong fast sniper without Kage’s low HP sacrifice would be nice. My mono purple team is the same as yours with Sartana in place of proteus and it works a treat.

+3 for Sartana, fast sniper with added poison. You really can’t go wrong in a meta that’s all about speed. Slow hero’s are mostly regulated to tanks anymore.

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thx for yours responses


Happy cake day btw @PapaHeavy!!