5* heroes positioning guide

I have also seen people putting Kunchen as a left wing and a sniper like Lianna as a tank so that Kunchen “can reduce the defence before the sniper fires”… That’s a very wrong assumption…


I see this as well… Glad I’m not the only one that notices this!


While I do agree with the chart, I have a question based on my own situation: specifically for wars, where we’re now trying purple tank, I have Alberich, Marjana, Obakan, June, Isarnia.

All maxed, and all my only 5 heroes that are maxed. I just recently pulled Vela and she will probably replace Isarnia in about 2 months (tho in the emblem department, Vela will stay at 1 node thanks to Alberich having priority, while Isarnia is at 7 currently). Also have lvl 1 Grimble and a second Marjana.*

But until then, I’m running it that way in order to not have 2 slow heroes on the left side and because Marjana is tankier. And joon stays there in order to have a yellow flank.
Do you still think it would be better to place Isarnia left flank or keep her as right wing?

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Do you coordinate the flanks in your alliance? If I were you, I’d probably run Alby-Isarnia-Obakan-Joon-Marjana.
I prefer having Marjana in the corner since she can avoid special skills (thanks to her rogue talent) and it would be harder to hit her with tiles when she’s there.

Isarnia shouldn’t be a right wing. If you really want to avoid having two slow heroes next to each other, You could try Alby-Joon-Obakan-Isarnia-Marjana. I’m not a huge fan of this composition but given that you have only snipers, it’s not as critical for Isarnia to fire earlier as it would be if you had other AoE heroes. But in certain situations, Isarnia firing before the others can make the difference between winning and losing.

So for war I am using the below defense. I don’t know that there is a better place for Finley with having both Alby and BK on team even though guide shows Finley as terrible on right wing. Could the positioning be better? I could also trade Viv out for White Rabbit but would be missing a full healer and cleanser. If I don’t swap her out I also then have 3 slow mana heroes on the board. I have to use Marie as tank as purple tanks are what my alliance is currently putting on the field. I have Sesh with emblems but am not comfortable with her in tank position.

The healers/passive heroes are way too many in this team, you have only one attacker.
Since you have to use MT as a tank and Alberich is a key hero in wars, you should try to replace Vivica (and BK).

Alby-BK-MT-Finley-White Rabbit (or Alby-BK-MT-WR-Finley if you have to use a yellow flank) could work in healing aid wars, but it’s still too passive.

If I were you, I’d run Alby-Finley-MT-White Rabbit-red hero. (Finley should fire before WR as he has the potential to reduce the defence of more heroes than WR).

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I have Marjana at 4.44. Would she still be a better option than BK at that level in your opinion? All other reds are at 3.70.

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Maybe you should try my first suggestion until she’s maxed and then place her in your team.

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I will try that. Appreciate the feedback D


@D_DI - I’m assuming you came up with your ratings thinking of each hero’s best position. That is, you intended this to be read row by row, allowing people to see where the heroes that they have would best be deployed.

Did you consider what table looks like when read column by column (i.e. to find the best heroes of any color at that position)? It strikes me that there’s not a lot of love for yellow 5*s in the left side of a defense, for example. And only marginally more on the right side.

Just wondering you’d intended it to be read both ways or just by rows?


This is a great guide…but I tank Zim at mid to high diamond and win AT LEAST half of my battles on D. That’s pretty good I think. Much better than a “No” at tank in my experience. The Druid talent really makes her shine I think.

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@Jalia, that is an interesting question. Actually, I have read it by column as well when I was working on the guide in order to ensure consistency (e.g. Joon and Lianna getting the same grades).

@Rduke77, a lot of heroes can make a good tank, depending on the rest of the team. The tank position certainly wouldn’t be my first choice for Zim, but I guess it just works for you. May I ask what is your defence team?

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All heavily emblemed except for the cleric split between MN and Ariel.

Totally Awesome

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Greetings, I made a table on your site on your HTML + JS table. I combined all the tables and 4 and 5 * heroes in it. I wanted to thank you for the wonderful table and am waiting for updates! If necessary, I’ll put links on the site as you say, and I can share a backup if necessary. True backup in my Russian language


Thank you for the work you have put in to translate my table to your language.

If this is only for your alliance’s use, I don’t mind it if you don’t post a link. Otherwise, you can post a link so as to help other players who are on the forum.


Спасибо огромное, пока написано на чисто русском я думаю врядли это пригодится для комьюнити других языков, но я хочу развивать дальше это направление, у меня есть бот телеграмм который может выдавать информацию по героям, поэтому я думаю добавить вашу таблицу к каждому из героев, а потом уже займусь переводом на другие языки чтобы комьюнити могло пользоваться этим без языковых барьеров


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Trying to help out a teammate build the best defense from the following. Purple tank required…I was thinking either…
Sesh-Bold-Rigrd-Misan-Lianna or…
Bold-Ran-Rigard-Misan-Lianna. Any feedback would be great…

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Does your teammate have Rigard’s costume? If not, I wouldn’t recommend tanking with him.

I’d probably go with Misandra-Boldtusk-Seshat-Ranvir-Lianna, or Misandra-Boldtusk-Seshat-Joon-Lianna once Joon is maxed.

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