4* heroes you cannot figure out a reason to keep

For now i dont have any problems with storage, it means that i keep my 4* and 5* because i kinda need them for war . I will get rid of some useless 3* i have. Ill keep only the best for events.

The Two 4* heroes, which i will Never ascend are hu Tao and skittleskull. I always Feed them Away. These Two are crap for me.

I feed Hutao and Li Xui be seen.
Useless to double em ā€¦ 1 Li 1 Chao is all you need ā€¦ if you ever will need em as p2p my friend.
But if you are c2p or f2p then keep them ā€¦ you donā€™t know how long it takes to get a 5ā˜† and you will never know how long it will take to fully ascend that 5ā˜†.
But as an advice ā€¦ FEED HUTAO he is just a useless banda.

I fed those two away until I found myself in an alliance where other members would drive a hole through opponentsā€™ middles. The AOE hero came in handy as cleaners. Even underpowered, they found a useā€¦barely lol.

I just won skittleskull from an epic token. Im probably gonna accidentally feed him to Mel or LJ or Kashhrek or f**k even Belith for all I care. This guy is slow, his special isnt worth the slow speed and his stats arent awesome to make up for it either. Plus heā€™s hideousā€”really ugly as sin. Ugh. I donā€™t feel heā€™s worth leveling let alone ascending

He is good vs ice titans ā€¦ any way there is a lake in 4ā˜† green hitters after all .
I donā€™t recommend feedibg Skittles

Thatā€™s a good point. Iā€™ll keep him for now. But heā€™s low on my level-up list.

Iā€™m probably so tempted to sacrifice him because Iā€™ve convinced myself (for some reason) that iā€™ll win Evelyn if I keep saving up all my gems.

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So far I keep all my dupes of 5* and I think I have 2 of every 4* except Sabina who has eluded me so far and of course the Atlantis/event heroes. Space is cheap and you need a lot for AW so why not keep just in caseā€¦

The ā€œspace is cheapā€ argument can fail. Try an Atlantis 30x. If you had feeder heroes filling spaces except one slot so you could do that pull, you will still need to feed 3s and maybe a 4 to open enough slots to use those stored feeders and tc19.

I purposely keep a couple heroes, often 3s, to be fed prior to Atlantis or an event. If a 4* can be used to efficiently max the hero I am working on, so be it.

If you have doubled all those 4s, you know another is just food.

I usually try to keep 2 of each colors from 3 star & up. My criteria is to dump any slow mana, the rest are considered if their skills are interesting or unique. Oddly, I have in my roster heroes, Jack Oā€™Hare which will most likely never be upgrade it. The reason is I will never do a pull again for the Spring event but I like the way he look on the card!

I have enough mana control heroes to have one or two on each flag for war. Once I get enough for two for each flag, Iā€™ll start to get rid of them. Mana control can just end up being too valuable too often to toss these imo.

Keep healers for war for same reason, until you have enough to field two per flag. I make sure you have a mix of ailment removers, buf dispellers and buffers.

Not that you allays need / want to field two of these per flag, but as war defense teams start coordinating more, it becomes more important to be able to do things like this.

Honestly, you can find a use or niche for just about any hero. The aforementioned negatively-acclaimed Skittleskull actually has one of the higher attack stats of the green 4*s and has an inflicted hit-all attack debuff that comes in handy for those not lucky enough to own Zeline. Heros such as this are also great for that all-important auto farm team, lol :wink:


My favourite 4* doubles are Scarlett, Grimm(Triple), Caedmon and Tiburtus

First 4s I doubled were Wu and Kiril.

Just sayin.

Skittles does have good stats, but I find slow is not good for raids. I do like his ability to clear corners in AW.

Alright fair call @Bud my apologies.

Yes I came on this thread because I pulled Hu and didnā€™t know what to do with him. I will keep at least 1 of every 4* in case they decide to upgrade heroes

Have to ask if they have ever buffed/nerfed a 4*.

I only remember 5* heroes being ā€œfixedā€. You or any poster recall different?

They buffed Kelile recently

That, I still believe, was the devs fixing a typo. Kelileā€™s special was 306 when 360 was intended. I ask if anyone think 306 over 6 turns became lethal due to that extra one percent each turn.

They buffed Quintus to 270% but yeah canā€™t remember 4* being fixed - havenā€™t been around long enough.

I thought they announced that there would be a way to take heroes past max level soon? I saw it in one of their announcements earlier this month on this forum. Maybe some heroes will get a better deal than others?