4* Are awesome!

There has been alot of unhappiness around here. I myself am unhappy with a few things BUT

There are some awesome 4* out there, that are even better with emblems. Loads of new 4* have been introduced + costumes.

These heroes are easier to get, easier to assend and easier to emblem.

Summon odds have always been terrible since the game began. (And yes ToL was taking that too far imo).
Focusing on 5* alone WILL make you depressed and/or broke.

I would love to see more discussions on the game in general, and less demands for free 5*

Some pretty awesome 3* too btw :kissing_heart:


Im looking forward those new Valhalla 4* . The green and Yellow one .
I only have 1k of coins . I know its not enough to pull them so i will probably wait until June Valhalla


Couldn’t agree more!

Fully understand everyone who pay and spend thousand and thousands of $$$ to get the best team and the best 5* but for me, being a f2p, i am fully happy with my roster. Level 51, 136 heroes, some 5* and HOTM, a lot of 4* and a lot of 3*. And 10 Dawa, to never forget what, most of the times, i get from summons :grin:


I agree there are some great 3-4*. I have maxed just about everyone in the game. Working on duplicates is not so fun. Although I do like having triple Hansel and jackal.

I would like to see more new 4* introduced. I have already maxed the new s3 3 and 4*. I’ll keep myself busy with costumes now I guess.


While player base grow older (more long term players) 4* heroes become less importand and focus shifts to most powerful heroes.

This game lacks for modes where 4* can be used frequently. Once players are to use 4* there will be enough discussions about them. Currently only raid tournaments and occasional Epic challenge events require 4s, so not much to discuss.
And very limited number of 4
can be discussed in a context of 5* heroes. Like Buddy or fully emblemed Boldtusk.


I’ve been playing for years and I max any new 4* and 3*

There are a few duds, but most have a use somewhere.
Some are outstanding, and I use them all the time.

Valhalla is awesome for me with new stuff to experiment with :slight_smile:


3 and 4 star tournaments are definitely the shining star for me, especially with those new event 3 stars and easy-to-get costumes. Plus the matches somehow feel like less ‘overengineered’, their specials are far less complicated than 5 stars but still can be neat. Or maybe it’s just they provide rest from all the same stacks and strategies. But yea, I enjoy these heroes a lot - and it’s much easier to collect them than the 5s (if only we get some roster space with new seasons).


Problem I have is… 3* and 4* tourneys are fun until I start running into max emblems teams ya know. Then it’s like, need a real nice board to win. I could emblem my 3 or 4*, BUT that’s taking away from my not yet maxed 5* heroes, which is ultimately taking away from war defense and war performance. So it’s basically a selfish choice to make to put emblems on 3 or 4 star.

Which is a darn shame because I really do love the core of the 3-4 star scene. But I can’t keep up with maxed teams. Sucks.


I disagree, I use emblemed 4* in raids every battle I fight. Some of the skills are amazing. Costumes have breathed new life into some of the old classics and I am using some of them too.

I’m Lvl70 and in an alliance that occasionally pops into the top 100.

5* at 3/70 often have lesser skills and so they either stay benched, or wait patiently for their turn at assention.


I have zero 4 stars with emblems and zero 3 stars with emblems, and still can beat those +20 teams a fair amount of times (granted though, my only strategy is 5 stack or 4+1 which I hate but can’t find one more effective). I’m guilty of paying 75 gems quite often to spend all my weekly flags, but I consider that best spent gems in the game if these land me in 1% (for the emblems alone, not mentioning the rest of lottery).


Honestly, I wish there was more 3* and 4* focused content, especially with the new season 3 heroes. Some of them are fantastic, and it’s too bad to really only see them in some.of.the raid tournaments and events.


i only have 120 coins… :smile:

I am still hoping to see some more PoV variety with using lower level teams to complete some of the daily challenges.


I have been sotoring the Valhalla coins.
I have used a bunch the first day of the portal and got Mist and some good 3*.
Then i stop using the coins knowing that something better was going to be released.

I miss byrhind a little bit . I have read shes very good.
What is more i have plenty rogue emblems because i dont have any good rogue


Frankly speaking, many of my 4* made me happier than any 5*.
I would never change Proteus, Wilbur, Rigard, Buddy or Caedmon.
Pulling some of 4* heroes is more exciting. The reason may be that it is much cheaper and faster to max a 4* hero than 5*. The sooner the hero can improve my roster the happier I am.
I don’t mind getting interesting 3* too. Love my Pixie and Vodnik and I’m looking forward to welcome some of S3 3* heroes on board.


yes, brynhild is awesome 4*. have her at +18, help me in trial and war. with her, LJ and peters shine in war attack.


you need 1 more dawa to make a football team of dawa… :smile:


I said in my initial message there there is a limited set of 4* that are useful (G. Falcon, Wilbur, Healers and others). Costumes added more 4* to this list (cTiburtus for example) but costumes are not very available for c2p even 4* costumes.

Yes, this is a well known fact. I think it is a fundamental flaw of this game. 4* at level 3 must be greater or equal to 3* at level 3 (which is true in most cases) and 5* at 3.70 must be greater or equal to 4* at max ascension.

Lady woolerton was my 1st 4* (and only 2nd 3*+!)

Love the event heros and Valhalla.

Honestly Kvasir might me by favorite hero


Speaking of Kvasir (who is so awesome, i maxed 2), why are there no 4 star hero that summons minions to all allies? The close we got is Buddy, who is also a fine hero. I guess my 2 Buddies flanking will suffice to fill that void.