33 pulls and No hero of the month!

Four 5 stars heroes in 30 pulls?!

The team score is only one part of the equation. Strategy and luck of the tiles also play a part. In raids and revenge, I regularly beat teams with higher scores, because I look at which heroes they have and play to my strengths and their weaknesses. But sometimes I lose to weaker teams too, just because of not having tiles where I need them. :grinning:

We now know there is a 1.3% chance of pulling HOTM.

Probability across 33 pulls = 1 - (1 - .013)^33 = 1 - (.987)^33) = 1 - .649 = .351 =
35.1% chance of pulling at least one HOTM with 33 pulls.

Feel free to check my formula and math if you’re a prob and stat guru. It’s been 30+ years since my last math class but I feel pretty confident this is correct.

If you want to compute percentage for another # of pulls it would be (1 - (.987^#ofpulls))/100.
10x pull is 12.3%
100 pulls is 73%
200 pulls is 92.7%
300 pulls is 98.1%


This game is very badly done or badly intended. This is not luck, it’s not programming. I have almost 1 year of game and until today I did not take a hero who rends yellow making sums of summons. makes idiot people. I started to save my money. Spends nothing.

Good for you? Noone forces you to spend money. Just use TC20 and get 5* for free🤷‍♂️

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Try this I’m over 130pulls might even be 150 and not had a hotm

There is where your problem is. You are expecting something versus realizing you are completely relying on chance. You apparently do not fully understand statistics and probability. You would be a casino’s best friend.

I didn’t get her either in a bunch of pulls. Such is life…