⚔ [30 Apr, 2023] - 210th Raid Tournament - 3* Bloody Battle, All Elements

Trying this out on defense

Will bring Dawns and Kvasir for attacks as needed


In my opinion, I think Kvasir tank with double Aqeela flank is the best choice because against tank, you need purple and cleanse but against flank, you need yellow and dispell. (I use Treevil-Aqeela flank because my 2nd Aqeela doesn’t have 2nd LB.)

I think Kvasir tank with Treevil flank is second best. Treevil flank is hard to kill with tank is Kvasir but cleanser can counter both of them. Aqeela and C Tyrum also work against both Kvasir tank and Treevil flank.

Kvasir tank with double Dawn flank is ok but the attacker can bring his own Kvasir and shut down them all. Pretty risky defense.

In fact, I want to go with double Zarola wing but my 2nd Zarola isn’t fully level yet :smile:. Zarola is one of the best wing in 3* bloody battle for now.

The guy on the left is Planchet from the Brave Musketeers. His is also one of the best wing in 3* bloody battle as well.

I prefer CB Berden wing. Zarel is really too slow. However, I don’t think Dante is good for defense at all. Maybe, double sniper wing is best choice for you for now.


I have changed mine since posting above.
I decided to LB and +20 a few other 3* so I can have more options for both Defense AND offense.
I just +20 and LB: Tyrum + Costume, Maeve, Noril, and Aqeela

Now my defense is (imagine Maeve is lvl 55, she will be by tomorrow):


Might be a bit slow, but I’m hoping the minions buy me time to set off the buster geezer followed by Treevil to clean house


What do you like about her? I have not worked on her at all yet!

I would move Treevil to flank at least (I don’t even use him when he isn’t tank because he is so slow). Also Nodri really doesn’t offer much with no other blues and Faiez is ver limited with no healing. I would swap those out.


I considered zarel at wing just to speed the rest of the team up but decided this was better.


If I were you I would take:
Poppy - Tree - Kvasir - Bauchan - Vodnik

I completely agree with that :ok_hand:

Already one very slow hero in the corner is risky IMO…


She is the best x3 fast hitter 3* for now. She is one of the best in both offense and defense in 3* non-rush tournament.


Yeah I switched them for zarola :+1:

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Day 1
O: 4-1
D: 4-1 A

Already on the first day I suffered one defeat against this team:

…because I forgot it was a bloody battle and took healers :person_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Other opponents

Good luck everyone!


Day 1

O : 4-1

Go with x2 Kvasir - Pixie - 2 purple or 2 blue since My x2 Kvasir, Pixie, Aqeela and Jouka have x2 LB and I don’t have any 3* red or green x2 LB for this tournament.

Lose in 4th attack against this team

Go with 3 yellow 2 purple. The board have a lot of movement but it give me 2 blue, 2 green and 1 red diamond :joy:. Even with 5 off-color, it is pretty close battle that I kill tank and other enemy are less than 30% hp left. Sadly, enemy Poppy wing chain x4 hit and kill my remain heroes before I manage to kill both enemy flank :joy:.

D : 0-0

Still have no attack.


Day 1:

O: 3-2
D: 0-1 (E)

First loss to this team, which was obvious :smiley:


But in the next fight, I stayed with one Tree and opponent has also one Tree and (impossible!) that Tree was FASTER than mine :smiley: . Almost killed it, don’t have screen, but his Tree has only a few HP left.

Screenshot_20230501-125544 (1)



Seeing teams of all 2LB heroes is a little surprising to me. I didn’t realize that many people would prioritize 3 stars with their alpha aethers.

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What else to do with these aethers. 4* and 3* are the best choice if you’re not spending money.


4-1 start to the tournament as well. I’ve only LB2ed Shrubbear so starting from easier opponents.

Attacked with 3-1-1, mainly 3 Yellow of Kvasir - Kinsaishi - Felton + Aqeela and Zarola/Shrubbear depending on whether the defense is more passive or aggressive. The only time I switched to 3 Greens (Shrubbear + 2 Zarola) was against a Gunnar tank.

The single loss was in the last match of the day against a minion heavy team.

Just couldn’t get my Kvasir charged before any of the opposing minion summoners. Did manage to kill Aqeela and Yao so not a total loss.

Defense is starting well at 2-0.

Good luck everyone!


I went against a few teams with Dawn tank or double Dawn, and I actually won, even though she went off and got her minions up.
I lost to one team which was a Poppy Tank (whole team was LB2 - 3866 power).

She hit my shrubbear about 4 times, then someone else got him, then I wasn’t getting any tiles I needed, I was using Purple, Green but I was getting red and blue tiles.

I managed to kill Poppy and almost killed a few others, but I lost.

(Only one team I faced - the very first - was BELOW 3700 power)

Day 1
O: 4-1
D: 2-1 (A - so far)


Went with Dawn tank in my defense because she has the best defensive stats of any of my 3* with her LB2 and her minions are gamechangers if they manage to get ahead of the enemy’s Kvasir (assuming most attackers will have him).

Day 1 (so far)
A 5-0
D 3-1

Faced two teams 5xLB2, one team 4xLB2 1xLB1 and one team 3xLB2.
Dawn anywhere except tank on defense and I brough Kvasir and he worked marvelously well (from my point of view). Felton does exactly as I had hoped when I took him along the all attack path, he hits like a truck.


Is matchmaking still based on the best 5 heroes?
I have just 5 LB2 3* heroes (the rest of my 3* roster is mediocre) and also got today 3700-3800++ :roll_eyes:

Yes. It’s best 5 allowed heroes. And there is no colour restriction for this tournament.