3 Youtubers (Archon, Siegmund007, DavePlays) asked their community, how they would improve E&P!

Hello fellow forum-Users,

we allways wonder, how we can improve the game without breaking it.
So we 3 (german) youtubers started a project to think about possible improvements, presented them on youtube and let our viewers add own ideas. All the videos and strawpolls are in german and initiated by the german community.
Here a short Link-list if you are interested:

Archon-1st Video: Empires and Puzzles German - Kooperation - Verbesserungen für Empires - YouTube
Strawpoll-Link by Archon: Welche Veränderungen sollten in Empires and Puzzles eingeführt werden ? - StrawPoll.de
Siegmund007-1st Video: Helft uns Empires and Puzzles zu verbessern! - YouTube
Strawpoll-Link by Siegmund007: Mögliche Verbesserungsvorschläge für Empires and Puzzles - StrawPoll.de
DavePlays-1st Video: Empires & Puzzles: Meine 10 Verbesserungsvorschläge ... feat. Archon, Siegmund007 und EUCH!!! - YouTube
Strawpoll-Link by Dave Plays: Wie kann man Empires & Puzzles sinnvoll verbessern? (by DavePlays) - StrawPoll.de

After combined 2500+ votes (!!!) we checked, which topics made it into the Top4 of every Strawpoll and now we have a nice list of what the (german) community mostly desires to get improved. Since 2 topics were duplicates we have a list of 10 possible improvements:

  • show the actual bounty-level (A+, A, B, C, D) at the titan before (and maybe during) a fight and how much is needed to reach the next tier

  • an option within the game is needed to balance food and iron income out or an option that makes it possible to transmute them into each other

  • make ot happen that hero-academy level 10 can be started more then once. we know that it should not become a storagefor 5* heroes, but its not funny to allways directly restart it and lose time during the process (maybe limit it to 3 durations)

  • show the actual stage (e.g. 3 of 4 or 2 of 5) within all the levels you play

  • improve the goodies, that you get when you level up your account (e.g.: troop-token, flascs, etc. … be creative)

  • the costumed-status of a hero in a prepared defence (war or tournament) should not change if you change this status somewhere else. it can mess up defences

  • raise the chances for highlighted Heroes and lower chances of season1 heroes in summons. overall chance of getting a 5* should stay the same

  • raise chance to get old HotM and eventheroes inside HA10

  • improve the chance of getting a 5* after a long streak without getting one (longterm outbalancing of summoning)

  • make it possible to put emblems of a hero one by one in addition to the option to put off all


  1. Vote this topic up and help us to get as much attention as possible

  2. Comment which of our options you like the most AND what new idea you have that did not make the list!

After all we thank you for your support and i apologize for my bad english (i am no native speaker after all)

May the boards be with you,

Archon, SIegmund & Dave

Thumbs up, great work.
Mostly just little, non game breaking, changes that brings alot improvement.


Hopefully this will greatly inform @Petri and SG staff when deciding what to include in QOL stuff mentioned in their sneak peek posting…
Well done on all the effort you have taking in pulling this together


More often balancing updates for heroes. Not just doing buff and nerff when the situation is dire.

Cross posting a bunch of existing threads on the forum to vote for the topics specifically:

See above HA Master


good ideas they would help people a lot

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Dear Guvnor,

maybe nearly all the topics can be found. But this is not the point. The point is the way how we got there and how many community-members were involved in the process. that makes it unique.
i appreciate your work to find out all the duplicated topics. This gives our project even more substance.

Kind regards,
Dave Plays


We should be able to tap on a stage and see how much exp we can earn after completing stage


An additional way to obtain non-S1 3* and 4* heroes would also be appreciated. Maybe a TC20-like stage each for Challenges (all combined), Season 2, Season 3, and Seasonal Events? Of course, something like HA v2.0 would be required for that. But AL got a great improvement in its redesign. Why not the same with HA?

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Thank you for every vote!
Pls SG let‘s work together to improve the game.
Greetings from Germany


You are so many right my friend.
I hope we get as much clicks on this like on the sprawals.

What’s the point of this thread? There have been tons already with thousands of ideas and replies. Staff never answered any and possibly never read even one.

They don’t care for our improvements and making game fun. If they wanted to, they would have already implemented many good ideas people listed many months ago.

This entire sub category is absolutely meaningless - it’s a tool to make us believe that we have any impact on the game. We don’t.

We say one thing, they don’t reply. We say another, they don’t reply. We say no against some updates (see limit breakers) they say yes.

Conversations with a wall are more fruitful.

Well done!!! All of these ideas are very nice, thumbs up!!!


ehr schöne Arbeit jungs das ihr euch dafür einsetzt

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Nice Work and schöne Grüße von der Allianz Kleffmanias Empire !!!

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Normally, someon posts a good idea and nothing happens.This Is new try with over 2500 members.Possible more than on every other post.That’s the point.The best upgrade is nothing without attention.
Greetings from Germany

  • improve the goodies, that you get when you level up your account (e.g.: troop-token, flascs, etc. … be creative)

We have the same amount of roster spaces from the beginning. By leveling Up We should get our roster space increased. It is quite expensive to pay 200 gems for 5 free slots. Specially when We have spent a lot for the new héroes

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We do get more roster space (just not every level up)

There are a lot of good ideas guys.

Lets cross our fingers, that SG is also interested in doing such small improvements.

This is a good chance to show us paying players, that SG is not only interested in our money but also cares about our needs.

And if they are smart, they will understand that finaly such changes are a good chance to make the game more satisfying.

It is certainly no secret, that satisfied people also like to spend a little more money :wink:

So lets looking forward, if those who are sure SG dont care about our needs are right or wrong…


Great ideas, I followed you videos and would appreciate if SG takes note.
I like the idea of the streak when summoning, a higher chance of getting event heroes out of the academy Lvl. 10 and while we are already playing Season IV the Season I Heroes should completely be changed against e.g. Atlantis Heroes S2 Heroes when summoning for events or newer season!
Keep your good work :+1:

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