So as I’ve mentioned a few times I created just one maxed 3 star team at the beginning of my game time and then moved onto the 4s. Now 2 and a bit years later I am going back and filling in the gaps.
I don’t intend on keeping a large number of 3s in each colour as will only use them in tournaments and events (except my costume Brienne who sees titans). Below is what I have now, some maxed some not but I won’t bore you with that.
Bjorn, Chochin, Guardian Bat, Tyrum (plus costume)
Kvasir, Bane (+cos), Pixie, Poppy, Candy, Arman
Grevle, Brienne(+cos), Ishtak(+cos), Gramps, Hisan, Mnessus, Berden (+cos), Belith (+cos)
Gato, Gunnar(+cos), Nordri, Chick Jr, Helo, Frosty
Nashgar, Vollermork, Rudolph, Squire Wabbit
I also have these costumes without the hero in case that changes suggestions…
I don’t think I want more than 8-10 in each colour. Enough to give me options but not taking up space.
Does anyone stand out as must add or just not worth it feed away?