3* Heroes for Challenged Events

Gill-ra is great, so is Melia. I use both with 4* heroes in stacks against 4* titans, their a bit squishy but really help Wu for high points. I don’t have Mnesseus but hear good things about him.
Do you have access to tc19? Good source for a flood of feeders quickly, otherwise I would stay with tc2, slower but good source for 50% 2* and 50% 1* feeders.


Unfortunately I’m out of Adventurer’s Pack as well. So no… TC2 is not a viable option now.

You mean Ammeonna? I have her but she is still at 1/1. I will put her in my soon to be leveled then together with Gadeirus and Sonya.

Thanks for the feedback.

Using Gill-Ra against Titans is probably not a good idea as my alliance is facing a 8* and 9* Titans. A fully ascended Gill-Ra will probably die in a single hit.

I still don’t have access to TC 19 yet… my Stronghold is at 20 but my Training Camp is still at 17. Probably another two weeks before I gain access to TC 19.

No probs, yeah ammennoa I’m maxing her now ,gonna get emblems too got no other soroucer! now she alright has good attack for a purple! Yellow titans very handy! Use her for war too! If I had another 4* purple maybe I wouldn’t be maxing her but me only option atm! ??

Yeah I wouldn’t take Gil-ra on with the titans! In fighting 7*-8* even with a turtle banner she probably might just survive one hit! hahaha!


Haha, yeah probably not so much good for 8/9*. I use her with health potions to keep her alive on the 4* Titans because Sartana hasn’t been started yet, but still great for those challenge events.

Once you have tc19 you will probably want to use it sparingly/ in bursts, as it can be resource intensive. I do 1 or 2 hour bursts for 60 to 120 heroes, but it can cost 400k or more (guessing, to lazy to math it out) in food plus leveling.

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Thank you very much guys…

Its good thing that I asked here first… all the tips really helped me getting to Stage 14 of Avalon. One stage left. And truth be told… Gill-Ra saved my skin MANY TIMES!

Glad I heed the advice here to focus on Gill-Ra. Not being able to use Proteus is truly a big problem here lol. Glad Gill-Ra and Mnesseus is here to save the day.