Hello everyone… I am in need of some help to pick 3* heroes for Challenged Events.
I made the mistake of fully abandoning 3* heroes before and instead focus on 4* and 5* only. This resulted in me not able to efficiently participate in the last 2 Challenged Events.
Please help me pick who I should ascend and who I should just straight away abandon. For the record… the only 3* heroes I have that is fully ascended and I did not make the mistake of feeding them to 4* are:
1x Balthazar
1x Bane
1x Gan-Ju
Here are my current full roster of 3* heroes that I have… all at 1/1.
You can get rid of many from that list. I will show you mine. They cover the challenge and tournament with every rule. I didn’t keep Muggy either. Too many emblems requires; his def is ridiculously low. But the final choice is yours. I may add, every challenge I am in the first 1k. It is enough for me.
Avalon is a blue reflect event with blue and green monsters…So you should focus on red and green heroes for it. I ran mono red last time. Probably start with Nashgar, Jahangir and Hawkmoon in red. Belith, Berden, and Mnesseus in green. I like Muggy, but he’s squishy and takes some getting used to.
That is a lot of 3* heroes, some of which you may never use. In my honest opinion from your current roster, the ones to focus on are:
Namahage, Nashgar and Hawkmoon
Gato, Valen, Gunnar and Ulmer
Belith, Mnesseus, Brienne, Muggy and Berden
Bane, Kailani and Melia
Chochin, Balthazar and Gill-Ra
Good luck
Greymane, Prisca, Renfeld and Dawa are almost useless. Oh I have seen an emblemed Greymane in a raid tournament in Top 100, but I think, that’s an exception. I’d feed them away.
Isshtak, Friar Tuck, Carver, Oberon and Karil depend.
The rest is worth maxing.
And, as others mentioned before, I’d start with red and green for Avalon.
Knights of Avalon reflects blue, and the monsters are still the same colors even with the update: mostly blue monsters, 2nd most is green monsters, 3rd most is purple monsters.
As a result, that means green, red and yellow are the good colors for this event.
Aside from Bane, all these heroes are good for this event:
Nashgar (I’d keep both for now)
Belith / Hawkmoon. Not for high scores as all offense is better for those, but good for keeping the team alive and just completing events.
Due to the somewhat limited time, I’d suggest getting as much TC2 or TC1 training started in your training camps, so you can get to leveling these heroes. If you have the trainings run overnight you can wake up the next day with a lot of training ready. Hit S1 8-7 as much as you can to get your source of recruits.
Also, generally speaking, the preferred rare heroes for Challenge Events are fast and are snipers There are exceptions of course, as you can see I recommended Brienne up above, who isn’t a sniper and is average speed, but that’s because of her skill. Or Muggy, who is fast but his skill is more support, however his tile damage is so good for his rarity that it makes him worth it.
Oh, and as tempting as it may be, don’t feed the 3* heroes any of your trainer heroes. They’ll level up too fast and their skills may not max as a result, which results in more wasted food maxing their skill when they cap at 3.50. Save the trainers for your 4* and 5* heroes.
I am part of a small(?) group of players that LOVES having maxed 3*s. I feel its like having special toys that you dont get to play with every day that you get to play with on special occasions.
Dang, I’ve been playing this game for just over a year now and it has really WARRPED my description of “fun”. YEESH
To be honest, we have no idea, nor does anybody else because this will be the first of the updated Challenge Events where the mobs, quantity of stages, and end bosses and all stats are unknown.
That said, my personal prior experience is a handful of fast snipers is more than adequate to get the job done, three in each color. If you want to be a little more versatile for future events, have maybe one or two Hawkmoon and/or Belith just to cover all bases. There are specialist heroes which you should keep. They’re not needed for challenge events, but they might be useful to keep around if you’re interested in taking part in 3* tournaments at all, but that encompasses a much larger range of heroes that you may or may not have the roster space for. Generally any spirit linker should keep one set of as those are rare in general and can be quite useful for helping team survivability.
So starting in elemental ordering (purple-yellow-blue-green-red):
Yellow: Kailani (1), Melia (1). Save any future Banes but 2 Banes + 1 Gan Ju should be a more than adequate 3* yellow team.
Purple: Cochin (1), Gill-Ra (1). Save any future Balthazar pulls until you have 3. If you get a Tyrum save one as he’s one of the few non-green dispellers which can be useful.
Blue: Valen (3), Gunnar (1), Gato (1-3). If you get an Ulmer, keep just one.
Green: Berden (1), Belith (2, save both), Mnessus (1-3), Brienne (1). If you want to be somewhat more versatile in 3* tourneys, Carver and Tuck can be supremely useful but aren’t that useful in Challenge Events in general.
Red: thin pickings here, but I’d focus on your Nashgar (keep both), Hawkmoon, and Azar.
If they’re not listed, they can be fed.
For Knights of Avalon, I’m not sure what you can manage as you have a little over a week at this point, but assuming you won’t have any trouble leveling up multiple greens, Mnessus and Belith or Brienne should be the priorities, depending on if you’re a more aggressive or defensive player (Belith better as a defensive player, Brienne for more aggressive players) as you may or may not be able to swing it with healing battle items without a healer.
Blue is not the priority due to Avalon being a blue reflect, so Gill-Ra can be quite useful as the only 3* cleanser at this time and the defense down can be pretty handy. Kailani in yellow because the spirit link could be critical for later stages if you need your team to survive, and red will probably be weak in Avalon due to the abundance of blue mobs, but either Nashgar or Hawkmoon depending once again on your playstyle.
So what I’d recommend for immediate leveling priority:
Belith or Brienne
Nashgar or Hawkmoon
Assuming on-color feeding with a mixture of TC1/4/19 and TC2 depending on resources. Should be able to get those all up by the time Avalon hits, depending on resources.
For the Avalon event, agree that Mnesseus and Belith are top priority.
Most of the bosses can buff themselves (Arthur, Guin, Lancelot) - but those buffs can be dispelled, and Mnesseus and Belith are both excellent dispellers.
Gan Ju and Chochin could also be useful for their mana reduction/mana slowing abilities. The Avalon bosses can be pretty tough.
I would keep Jahangir also, can be useful for Very Fast tournaments.
Your list is so excellent, that I made a little picture out of it and shared it with my Alliance on Line - good advice for our smaller players and even better for the ones who search for 3* heroes for events and raid tournament
I only had to ask for the German name of Squire Wabbit, don’t have him
Kein ursache, ich hab die Karte, Mümmelmann, und es ist bereits auf der Liste.
(No problem, I have the card, Squeire Wabbit, and already in your sheet.)
I can speak german little bit, I was study in Berlin and Leipzig.
The monster colors (blue, green, purple) and number of waves (3) remained the same in beta. It could change though between beta and release (wouldn’t be the first time) but I’m going by that for now.
Also worth noting but the suspicious chests (i.e. mimics) are new enemies that can only be damaged the turn before they attack. They’re always the color that is reflected (for Avalon, blue). That can throw a wrench in anyone running for high scores using the old strategy of getting high scores, as it can severely waste time despite the bonus points they give to your score.
First of all I’d like to say THANK YOU ALL for your help and responses.
All of you have helped me tremendously in making my decision and taking action. Yup… taking action is such a hard thing to do because I’m leveling 3s heroes. One that I don’t even care to look at before. Luckily I noticed pretty quickly that I really need to keep some 3 because otherwise… a lot of Challenge Events and a Tournament won’t be accessible without good roster of 3* heroes.
All the comments in this thread are very good and I sincerely appreciate it.
Here’s my current 3* that I have managed to fully leveled to full ascension since the opening of this thread.
Nashgar 3/50 MAX
Valen 3/50 MAX
Belith 3/50 MAX
Balthazar 3/50 MAX
Bane 3/50 MAX
Namahage 3/50 MAX
Mnesseus 3/50 (but Special Skills is still at 7/8… in progress)
Jahangir 1/15 (in progress)
Hawkmoon 1/15 (in progress)
Melia 1/14 (in progress)
Gill-Ra 2/21 (in progress)
Gato 1/21
Gunnar 2/14
Using Training Camp 3 for speed though I’m losing a lot of food in the process… I have managed to max 6 3* heroes plus Mnesseus at 78 Special Skill. Can’t max him yet as I am a bit short of green feeder.
Work in progress is Jahangir, Hawkmoon, Melia and Gill-Ra. But I am hit with another problem now… which is the lack of feeder heroes.
Currently in training I only have 100 left (last of my Practice Swords from almost 1,500 now reduced to a mere 100 in just a few days with TC 3 training).
So I think I can only color feed one last heroes with my last leftover feeders still in training. I’m thinking of doing Gill-Ra.
Any thoughts?
Anyway, thank you everyone. This community is amazing. Thanks.
Gilra is underrated she helped me a lot on the gaurdians quests!
People do the 1-2 combo thread her defence down and cleansing is good!
Do like putting ghost girl and her together gets some damage done if the tiles are purple!