3* Challenge event team

I thought the pirate event reflects purple, so yellow would be the best colour?

What would be a kick-butt mono yellow team? Right now I have:

Melia - Bane - Bane - Ganju - Pixie

It takes a little practice and planning, particularly to decide when and how to use items.

I actually think Rare is trickier than Legendary, and sometimes trickier than Epic too.

I’ve gotten faster, but I’m still not super fast like top competitors. I’m only fast enough to hit my target rankings.

I find it helps to practice while farming.

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Ideally, Costumed Gunnar, Nordri, and 3x Gato.


There is A video floating about on how it’s done it’s posted on here somewhere. Good info and easy to explain.

There’s not really an ideal yellow team to be had, since there are no attack buffers, defense debuffers, damage sharers, or healers.

When I’ve run yellow mono, I just go for damage, centered around multiple Costumed Banes. A highly Emblemed Melia could work well too, both for doing some damage to all 3 enemies, and for the Crit buff for tiles. She might need to be fed mana before making matches.

@Wharflord’s video from the old version of the Challenge Events is popular: Challenge Event Strategy Reveal

I’m nowhere near as systematic as that technique, though. I don’t find it necessary since I’m not competing for very high rankings, just moderate ones.


But does explain it easier when seeing what’s happening and what to do if you like to try it. I do recommend people watch a video then someone trying to explain in text. Like how training camps are set up, for me watching @NittanyLionRoar video makes perfect sense after watching it :woman_shrugging:


I’m in the process of working on my rare teams. What’s more important for blue, Gato (have two to level) or costumed Gunnar (Bass is already max)?

Same question for red — have Hawkmoon costume, 4 Namahage, and one Rudolph. (all 1/1; base Hawkmoon maxed)

May not be ready in time for Pirates, but Vela and Falcon came first!

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Costumed Gunnar is more critical if running blue.

You could use a different hitter in place of an extra Gato for now, like Karil or Ulmer.

I used to use Hawkmoon without a Costume, and you’ll of course need 4 hitters one way or another…so if you don’t have any maxed red hitters, then I’d work on those before Hawkmoon’s Costume in terms of Challenge Events — though her Costume is also worth maxing for Raid Tournaments, so it may be an earlier priority, depending on your overall priorities.

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Just to add to this thread, can I ask for opinions on who the best 3* heroes are that should be kept. My 3* roster is getting out of hand. I have 34 with only a handful of duplicates:
Bane + c
Guardian Bat
Hawkmoon + c
Hi San
Gunnar + c
Tyrum + c


You have a nice list of 3’s there. When I’m looking at my own 3’s, I try to determine what teams I’d use for:

  • buff booster
  • fast attack
  • bloody battle

taking into account that a color might be excluded, so I choose 6 or 7 heroes for each one of those.

Then I look at what my best mono teams would be for events - probably a lot of overlap.

Heroes that didn’t make the cut on any of those teams might be options for cutting back. I wouldn’t though…who knows when a costume or new hero will make the old ones shine!

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Hi Zephyr,

you want to say i’m impatient? Well, i pray for patience and i want to have it RIGHT NOW! :wink:

yes thats what i’m struggelling with most when and how to use items… and there doesent seem to be generall recipes to follow…

you mean faring e.g. 8.7 with 3* mono team? using items as well? to practise?

from my point it definatelly is not easy and a huge problem to reach top 1000…for me it so far was impossible …at least after trying 3 times… (with huge investments in time, re-runs and items) and that is rather frustrating…

Kind regards,


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Some people are very systematic with that. I’m not.

I judge it based on my sense of how the board is going and whether I think I’ll get more use out of them on the monsters or the Bosses.

I actually practice while farming with any team — what I’m practicing is how I play the board.

I’m looking for quick, big matches.

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Do you guys think nordri could be a viable part of blue epic mono ? Obviously he would have to be emblemed heavily, but for those lacking falcon, he could be part of a high score chasing team.

Grimm, sonya, kiril, nordri and triton for example.

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I’m thinking of trying him for the pirates event coming up.

Ideally the team would be nordri+20, kiril, grimm, grimm, grimm. But I don’t have so many grimms leveled up so have to use sonya and something else for now.

I think you will find a team that includes Bane, Melia, Arman, Kailani, and Pixie as pretty useful. Problem is is that there’s no 3* healers in Holy. That’s the gap that’s missing for Holy among the Rare level.

Agreed. The lack of healers is a really huge issue.

As for your list, the only hero I do not have is Arman. Luckily summer event is coming up again and I hope I will have better fortunate this year.

Arman is amazing for 3* Tourneys. He does so much but it’s the healing cut that is his biggest attribute.


I feel that overall, yellow is the weakest colour in all rarities. Maybe it is just me…

I’ve run 2x Bane, Melia, Arman, Gan Ju before.

It works fine, there’s just no intrinsic synergy.