⚔ [26 Mar 2023] - 205th Raid Tournament - 3* Rush Attack, No Holy/ Yellow

Ill be going with this team

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First draft

Actually may use Buchan instead of buster


If I were you I would take:
Two out of General/Bauchan/Gunnar - Tree - Tree - Sudri

It’s “no yellow” so Tree is the best tank (you just must put him as a tank)

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I don’t have Faiez, Waqas, Shrubbear or Dawn so I don’t expect many wins on attack. But it’s fun :slight_smile:
My game nick is “fanka Bane’a”, lvl 44. I’m curious who will meet my lovely trees.


Should I jus do not bother this week?
It all seem ridiculous



This is about to be insane. Wish I had my 2 Maeves leveled but they will be by the next one.

Good luck to all!

Edit: Just pulled another Maeve lol so 3 of her, 2 of Whacker, (and my first 5* Bobo!) from this summon portal. Level 27 so still have a long way to go but have a lot of 3’s I still want to level:


Am I the only unlucky person on this entire forum NOT to have a Treevil?
I swear everyone else seems to have one.

I was going to LB2 Bauchan so he gets counter-attack but I have been LB1 Ludwig, but my defense I have gone with (All Lb1 + Node 20 - NO LB2):

Basil / Grevle / Waqas / Greel / Zarel
(Team power: 3,317)

I lack purples, especially good purples for rush.
Aqeela is LB1 but I have no emblems for her, I removed them all from her to give to my Ma’at, which I don’t regret - also removed from Griffin for Ma’at.

Anyway, this is not going to be fun at all. I will be out Day 1, maybe day 2 if I am lucky haha
Good luck everyone

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Edited to update final double broken defense.

Since i spent the effort to max them all i’ll likely have a D or E on defense by end of the tourney.


I’m going Gramps, Greel, Tree, Basil, Zarel. No healer, so players should have easier time :smiley:. Seeing what is here, I’ll be out by day 1. Even last 3* rush with purples allowed without LB2, had 8 looses before reaching 25th attack so… I see my chances super slim and I think I might not even bother continuing… and no LB2 on anyone yet, so far keeping them.

I imagine this is the least favorite rush format. Some folks above have good ideas with alpha aethers. I expect to see more Treevil tanks than non. I expect to face more than 1 Treevil on average throughout.



Five battles this morning, faced Tree twice and lost when theirs fired before mine. Destroyed the three teams without him.


I went with this team on defense. They are 4 for 4 so far.

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I faced 7 Treevils in 5 battles.
Thanks to LB2 Shrubbear, won without any problems. If you have him, I highly recommend making him LB2.


A somewhat surprising 5-0 start, though I only faced 2 Treevil tanks, and 4 in total.

Used pretty much the same attack of Zarel - Greel - Faiez - Treevil - Helo/Joukahainen. The last spot was switched depending on if I need dispel or cleanse. They both charge in 6 tiles thanks to Zarel.

Faced only a wing Treevil in the first 3 matches and boards were good so easy wins. Toughest was the 4th match against a double Treevil with Basil on the other flank. Took a risk of using Joukahainen instead of Helo. Tank Treevil fired first, but got my 7 Green tiles and Faiez healed most of the damage. Got my Purples charged next, and Treevil + Greel does a lot of damage.

Last match and another Treevil tank that fired first. This time I had Helo ready cleanse the Ailments, and Faiez’s overheal absorbed the damage from the opposing Sudri. Again, just needed to charge my Purples to win.

Defense has only one hit so far with a win.

Good luck everyone. Hope the good boards continue


Wondering if I should double LB my Gill-Ra to have a cleanser. Faiez passive is actually really good but I think I need 100% chance. Gill-Ra seems useless besides this type of tournament. Nervous to actually start battling lol

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Day 1

O : 4-1

Go with Faiez - Shrubbear - Zarel - Helo or C/CB Tyrum - Treevil in all attack. Lose in first attack against this team

The start board is full of red/blue/yellow. I try my best to charge my green but it is too late by 1 turn after enemy Treevil tank fire 2nd time. Most of my heroes die and nothing I can do. So :joy:


Since I lose in 1st attack, all other 4* attack are very easy with no Treevil, Dawn or Faiez :smile:.

It is sad that I don’t know what LB2 Shrubbear can do and I use all my alpha aether :joy:.

D : 2-0

Forget to post my defense. I go with my normal 3* rush attack defense.


So I proceeded to face Tree tanks the first 4 matches and lost all of them. Horrible boards. Bought back and won last one against c. Berden tank with no Tree. I just don’t think I have a counter to Treevil right now even with my own and Gill-Ra because I can’t get enough tiles before he hits me. Smh
Anyone care to show their strategy to beat Tree tanks?


O: 4-1

No tree tanks. I lose to Faiez - Jarif - Faiez - Waqas - Treevil, all LB2.

D: 0-0

No one attacked me.


Day 1
O: 4-1
D: 0-0 (C)

I went against a few Treevil but the one I lost was Treevil / Dawn / Treevil / Rufus / Faiez
Dawn went off first, then tank Treevil, then their wing Treevil went off and wiped my whole team.

Defense is yet to be attacked, this keeps happening to me lately and it’s annoying