⚔ [25 Apr, 2021] - 105th Raid Tournament - 4* Buff Booster, No Ice/ Blue

Kind of a little bit lacking in the buffs or buff prevention department without blues until I can get Caedmon and Mist up to speed. i guess i could throw in Melendor for extra healing and dispel, but currently thinking of going with this:

Decided not to go with Wilbur at tank. Falcon is the only other red with emblems available. I always like Mist. A bit worried about a lack of dispelling heroes for both offense and defense. Several available in green which I doubt I’ll be using much. I get the feeling most attack teams will be BT-Wilbur-Falcon-Scarlett-Mist to flip the opposing Wilbur.


Going with this passive lineup

Scarlett is crunchy (below 600 def) but if the attacker wants to concentrate on that wing, then I’m fine with it. Wish I had her costume though


I’ve got this in mind. Seems a shame to leave Falcon+20 on the bench but can’t see doing better with him replacing anyone there. Good luck!


Brynhild’s buffs don’t benefit Tibs-C attacks.

Bah, got mixed with Jackal. Falcon would buff only the slashes from the 2 reds and the occasional Scarlet hit. This lineup is more balanced as it covers buffs, debuffs and dispels.

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Going with Csabina, Bryn, Wilbur, mist, sumle

Might be lacking firepower but usually my defense is doing well in 4* tourneys.

Was thinking about swapping Tibs and BT with Rigard and Wilbur but I like the idea of Bryn healing my healer and never have been a big fan of Wilbur on defense.

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Do you want to get an E grade throughout the week son? Coz that’s what you gon’ get if you run with that team!

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New attempt. Just finished and emblembed Brynhild, and she is so good a buff-booster fit, I’ll just have to try her out:

Scarlet is full attack path (880 base), if she has all the buffs active, her base attack will be (880*1.15 from troop *1.20 from defense buff) = 1188. With buffs = 48 from BT attackup + 4 buffs is 2708. Even slashes will seriously hurt. (If she survives, she is very squishy). Even more if both bryn and mist are low on health… Can someone please take a screenshot if that happens? Scarlet with 3000+ attack?

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My defense for this one

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All you guys with your BT tanks gave me some renewed confidence, so I think I’m gonna try this as my first draft:

cKelile is much more effective than just base Kelile since 440+ burn over 2 turns at fast speed is no joke. If cGormie hits with cTibs defense drop on it’ll hurt pretty bad; with that plus BT’s buff he could probably one shot the whole team just by himself lol. Griffin to counter all the counterattackers since my team is pretty AoE heavy.

I’m still thinking I should try to work Mist in there somehow, any suggestions?

@u2371 I see we’re thinking along the same lines, just yours has better color coordination due to yurple flanks.


Hmmm… I’m left with 2 ideas… 1st more passive, but more buffs. 2nd, slightly more aggressive, at cost of less buffs. So, what’s better?

I might consider putting Mist instead of c.Kelile, or c.Sabina instead of c.Rigard. Any thoughts? :slight_smile:

Mack tank, Brynhild flank.

Bring it!!

I’m thinking a hybrid of the two, and bring Sumle to flank instead of wing. Yes I know if Bryn goes off he charges faster, but still not as fast as if he was at flank and hit by tiles instead. And because blues aren’t allowed this week, it’s actually more advantageous that way.

I think a cTibs-BT-Sumle center if worked as intended would one shot the attacker, so that’s what I would go for. cKelile in the corner for some fast burn is good, and you also have a Caed+20 right? Good to have him to dispel the attacker’s Cyprian since just like my team you’re also AoE heavy. So Caed in left wring and cKelile right wing.

I take no responsibility for an E defense :crazy_face:

Mist says hi


Get ready to see a boatload of her (swoon!) and c-Sabina too. Looking forward to this tourney…

My flanks troops are better than your too. The +%attack different between lv15 and lv1 3* attack troop is about the different between heroes with full costume bonus and with no bonus. And I’m not sure if C Gormek hit hard enough or not. C Wu Kong hit hardest among 4* average AoE and he is also paladin. He hit at least about 30% harder than C Gormek (from both stat and % skill) and will hit even harder in buff booster if +25% defense active. I’m not sure that double paladin/yurple flanks have noticeable effect or not. However, when combine all these effect together, your result might be different from mine.

Here’s to hoping that cGormie’s jinx talent procs with loads of buffs on so he hits harder than the usual 180%. But yeah he doesn’t hit the hardest, I could use his base form but don’t like the chance to get unlucky and hit only 2 instead. He does however have absurd amounts of HP for a 4* (mine has 660 def and 1619 HP :rofl:) and can take several hits and still keep going so I’m also kinda using him as a meat shield of sorts.

Well, I think loads of buffs in this tournament are from C Rigard, C Melendor or Wilbur. In that case, there will be usually no lower def from C Tiburtus because they use them to cure/filp that lower def. I don’t think Jinx will have much effect.

After I think again, I think I know why C Tiburtus/Wilbur/C Wu Kong is so powerful in bloody battle. The archenemy of average AoE is healer and counter attack. Wilbur ruin counter attack and bloody battle make healer much less effective. When all their archenemy are nerf/block, it is a time for them to shine.

I also think that C Gormek is better when combo with C Tiburtus flank too. However, if not combo with C Tiburtus, I think CB is better. Because his lower def can still combo with sniper at wing even there is a chance that he hit only 2.

Yes, he is an example of meat shield. I think we emblem him in the same path. I emblem him focus on attack for normal version. My C/CB Gormek +20 stat is 704/684/1707 (normal version) and 725/660/1619 (costume version). In fact, he is one of the best choice for flank when tank is counter attack heroes.

My C Wu Kong is actually opposite to Gormek. I emblem him focus on health for normal version. It turn out that health in normal version is defense in costume version. Combine with his base stat that have low hp, My C/CB Wu Kong +20 stat is 794/706/1343 (normal version) and 779/843/1156 (costume version). He have def higher than my Boldtusk+20 and is actually my highest def 4*. He is kinda stony shield I think :rofl:

I also swap Kelile+20 and CB Caedmon+20 position. (Because I totally forget about counter attack when I post the picture.)

I had Caedmon in there replacing Griffin, but put Griffin back in at the very last second because a) Caed could also hit a hero with riposte and suicide himself and b) the attackers could always work around the dispel. Griffin however always bypasses counterattack and reflect, plus he’s the hardest hitting 4* sniper I believe (340% @ 866 atk, 370% when firing for first time)

To put that into context, Griffin with normal 340% hits has hard as cRichard with 435% @ 682 atk, and with 370% hits almost as hard as Magni with 420% @ 793 atk! :scream: