2400 instead of 1500 attack on mobs on easy s4?


does this apply to mobs too?

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normal mob hit is 350+

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if this is a normal thing, then hard will need big items;
autoplay? lol, doesnt work on easy

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blue boss hits with 752 on blue with a normal hit :))
and 868 with special on same blue :))

they hit too hard! it is nearly impossible to auto play even with a 4500+ team on those easy levels

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Hello, thanks for the report! This is working as intended, this stage is supposed to be a bit harder and so the enemies have a higher attack. I hope this helps to clarify!


ok, to be noted from 1500 atk to 2400 atk

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I like this newest released content should be a challenge as opposed to autoplay

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Stages and mobs get more difficult, I see no big deal here…
That’s how it works in all aspects of the game - the more far you get, the more difficult it will get…

it’s not like that

there are some stages with spiked atk (like 85%+atk\ as per your heroes do)

not like in all games

read before posting :slight_smile:

@moderators can be closed

i smell rant coming up :wink:

I am not ranting, I just wanted to find out what you really wanted to know as this was not really clear to me…
Anyway - the 85 % + only apply to own hereoes
As Petri said, this stage is intended to be more difficult…

Enjoy your day :slight_smile:

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Not sure if this was designed this way or not, but I’m not a fan of it and figured I’d mention it if it wasn’t initially meant to be like this.

Some of the latest provinces in Season 4’s Map stages feature some of the reused halfling characters and Griffin as a boss. Though I expect them to have hard hitting normal attacks, the way they’re set up in some of the stages are UNUSUALLY harder than the other bosses before now.

Normal attacks on both Normal AND Hard mode seem to deal enough damage on even my maxed 5* heroes to either be at 15% or lower HP and Special Skills from Griffin especially can instant-kill my heroes who are at their max health (with no boosting).

Not sure what needs to be adjusted, but the boss waves of these stages almost make them unbeatable. Comparatively, Season 3’s bosses weren’t this exaggeratedly hard when they featured S3 heroes. Was this intentional? Is anyone else experiencing similar issues with those particular stages?

(2400 instead of 1500 attack on mobs on easy s4? - #8)


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sksksks, I forgot I added to that thread after experiencing the jump. Thanks. Mods need to merge this. My bad y’all

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