2021 Sneak Peek - Discussion

Please also implement competition Last man standing, presented here :

This event is great from many reasons :

  • currently only one, which would mix 3* and 4* amongs 5* heroes events and does this organically.
  • it pleases all tacticians when they are setting up team
  • it promotes usage of FAMILY bonuses better than anything currently or planned. Its alot harder to make complete family bonus or realms bonus from 5* , but if you combine 3* and 4* as well, it makes everything better
  • offers new style of playing while staying true to E&P core
  • it evens out more playing field amongs F2p and big spenders
  • It would go hand in hand with feature craft LEGENDARy items, which would boost 3* and 4* while offer option for 5* to switch stats. ( another way for SG to expand on their revenue options ) Heroes equipment - #8 by Cerevan_the_Omni