2020 APRIL Calendar (Events, Trials, Rare Quests, Atlantis & Valhalla) Tentative

I only have Watching, Tracking, Normal, Muted… I have no “watch first post”

Hmm maybe a special mod feature… :man_shrugging: go with watching then & then change new threads to “tracking” or “normal” & to won’t get notificationa after the first one.

Best is to just add the #digital_calendar


Thanks @Guvnor I learn something new every day here.


I think you’re looking at the options for this thread, not the options for the calendar tag.

Click on that hashtag link first.


Où trouver ce calendrier en français? Merci

Je pense que personne n’a traduit les calendriers en français. Mais s’ils le veulent, ils le peuvent. J’aimerais pouvoir plus d’aide.

wow how many languages do you speak @Novo… you seem to be able to speak all of them :smiley:

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facepalm for me. Done and yes it shows and works. My bad. Lets blame early morning for this stupidity lol

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Où ou comment peut-on faire ça?

@bobiscool gotta love Google translate!


Thank You so much! Awesome job for the communitynand all E&P fans :+1::grinning:


Thought springvale is today it’s not showing any event or any upcoming events . Has it been changed ?

starts in another hour.

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And what about Path of Valor II? Shouldn’t that start today as well?

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Give it 32 more minutes (or click on the PoV icon for a countdown).


Regulating days was never in the plan. This changed a bit when no rare quest spawned for something like a month.

It has been my belief the 10 day cycle is just coincidental.

I don’t know what you’re trying to say, but SG literally announced that they were activating a free rare quest; that’s why there were three quests that day active.

Farholme Pass was 5 days ago. Maybe if you haven’t gotten one you might try submitting a bug report?

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Busy day!!! Springvale, Wonderland and Trials of Shadows. Got a feeling I’m going to be late for a very important date :rofl:


What happened to April 11th Mt. Umber?