1st 4* pull hit or miss

I know to level him first before putting him on a team just curious about him haven’t seen his name mentioned on here

What my team looks like now after playing for almost a week

He is awesome. Probably one of the best 4* you could ever get as a beginner!


One of the best, lvl as soon as possible, and put it in tank position


As a beginner he is one of the best hero’s to pull. He will serve you well for a long time. He is used in every aspect of the game.

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You may not have noticed his name because he is referred to as “BT” most of the time. He is talked about a lot.

BT is good;

i suggest the followin formation:


strong color for BT (blue) will charge your belith
strong color for belith (red) will charge your toril
strong color for tyrum (holy) will charge your bane