1M damage to titan.. Beastmode!

This guy is a beast!


Nice loot… congrats

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Jesus…how many hits to get to the 1m mark?


That has to be a ton of flasks used!


Was done by a single attack.
Chuck Norris pulled him…


That attack was video recorded and actually, Chuck Norris just sneezed :sneezing_face:


His name, Berserk, really fits him


Thanks for sharing @Pits - Beserk is indeed a beast : just awesome :tada:

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Making us feel like mere mortals lol Epic hit(s) bud

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That’s awesome. It’d be slightly amusing (for everybody but Berserk) if you got 2 AM from the loot and he got tall boots :joy:

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I’d like to see that video!

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Wowzer, indeed that is impressive.

I wonder what’s his /her average hit per flag… Furthermore I would also hope they got at least 1 ascension material … It would be a big bummer all that work for a wooden shield and a few gems :scream:

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I don’t know about this … but somebody in my alliance tracks all out titan damage and our best player averages just under 29k per hit against 12*s (and some 11*s from a while back). There are four us averaging over 28k per hit long term.

That would mean something like 10 titan flasks to hit a million. Maybe a bit less on your favorite color.


The top folks in my alliance are very commonly hitting in the 40k+ on 10*s and a few of the top tier mercs that have come through are in the 70k+ per hit range on the right titan. So I can imagine a juggernaut piecing together a great string of hits…but you would still need to flaks the ever living hell out of it to get to 1M.

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BWH’s alliance is chaining 12*, I believe. And if you look at the sustain value, rather than the highlight reel, 29Kish sounds about right to me (we also hit mostly 12*). But this is a 10* titan, so it’s probably a bit easier to hold a higher average damage.

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He didnt even use a flag. 1m damage was due to pure fear when titan saw him. He must be chuck in disguise. Lol.
Yeah he flasked a bit. Wasnt able to compute his average but would be somewhere around 60k i think.


Ikr? Thanks Pops! …

Lol Olmor. He chuck in disguise…

You guys want to watch him work on those titans. Feel free to join us at pulp Friction :wink: one spot left.

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So this is pretty close to what I thought.

Assuming his flags were full at spawn, he used the flags as they came through (didn’t waste flag regen time with them being full), and it look most of the 23 hours to kill this titan…i would assume he had between 6 and 8 flags pop up not from flasks.

Assuming 60k avg hits= 17 total hits needed.

3ish flasks.

amazing job no matter how many he used.

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