16 Warm Capes. OR: "What have you done out of boredom with your heroes?"

Specially orb they have been throwing that more than adv. Backpacks these days
I have 10 holy heroes at level 70 (mix of 4 and 5 stars), 3 of them at 80 (total orbs used 52) and still got 65 orbs left
I would give away half of them for a telescope :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m happy with my Purple bench, honestly I am. at least in terms of quality - but not quantity.

I’ve emblemed Proteus and Sabina, am maxing Seshat, and have taken Aeron to 3/70 and a second Proteus to 3/60. But that’s it, no more Purple projects…

so I’ve maxed all my 3s. Yes, even Prisca and Vlad (maxed Renfeld long ago but he was my first purple 3)

occasionally use Vlad in wars against weakened healers. have never found a use for Prisca yet though. well, maybe one war against an enemy alliance with tons of yellows.

ah well.

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Level 46 with 70 locked and ZERO 3*s

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That’s a bold choice Rohn, what’s your reasoning? (sincerely curious)

Do NOT care about 3* anythings lol they are ALL food, even the leveled ones from long ago.

Feeding all your 3s away to own the libs

I fed all of my 3*s away because they are great food. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

And I maxed even more 3*s because they bring home materials from events and raiding tournaments. Feeding maxed ones away just for bragging rights sounds a bit silly. There is enough feeders as it is.

I care for 3* for 1) raid tournaments, 2) rare stages of challenge events since they added emblems to the completion tier rewards.


LOL mine was gone before the tournys. My heroes are ALL hoggy

Yeah I did the same. Fed all my 3* including Rudolph and then added emblems to 3* challenge events. And then they added 3* tourneys. Sigh.

And then maxed some new rares within a day, so no regrets having fed mine away in the beginning.

I agree but I am POURING every thing into getting my 30 war 5* finished off so I am passing on the 3*s. I KNOW I am loosing out on some items maybe but I just went the way I wanted LOL kinda like a blockhead. :crazy_face: And I am blaming it on @zephyr1

No problem to achieve both while waiting for all those 4* mats.

Back then on Facebook, they posted this. And I have spent $1k to pulls and didn’t get any of those 5*, so I was outrage and rage level Derrick just because. So maxed Derric.


You can max a 3* in a day but if you fed Rudolph you can’t get a new one that quickly ;(


Dang, to a lesser extent I did something similar with Melia :frowning: But since she’s Atlantis it took me 4 months to get her back

(My wife did the exact same thing with Vlad though)


Guess who just showed up looking for warm capes?!!?


I’ve leveled up all manner of 4* on a “why not?” basis. Top of the list:

  • Captain of Diamonds
  • Gobbler

I can’t recall every using these two, though.


I’ve maxed so many heroes that I never plan on using… Currently leveling Cyprian, Hu Tao, and Kashhrek just because I have nothing better to do at the moment.

I’ve got duplicates of many 4* heroes maxed, I think I have fourteen 5**s maxed and dozens more sitting at 3^70. I also really like to level 3* heroes. I’ve got 30+ finished, several of them duplicates. They’re fast and cheap, which is a nice break after the grind of leveling 4-5*s.

I have the most fun doing the rare tiers in events and raiding in tournaments with a 3* limit. Never get to play with those heroes otherwise!