⚔ [15th Aug, 2021] - 121th Raid Tournament - 5* Bloody Battle, All Elements

:spiral_calendar: Schedule

Preparation Phase Begins Battle Phase Begins Rewards Distributed
(08:00 GMT)
(08:00 GMT)
(08:00 GMT)

:no_pedestrians: This Week’s Restrictions & Special Rule

:fire: :leaves: :snowflake: :sun_with_face: :new_moon_with_face:
Elements Allowed
:superhero: :star2:
Hero Rarities Allowed
:person_fencing: :star2:
Troop Rarities Allowed
:fire: :snowflake: :leaves: :new_moon_with_face: :sun_with_face:
All Elements
:five: :star:
or lower
:four: :star:
or lower

:dizzy: Special Rule: Bloody Battle

Health Boost, Direct Healing, Heal Over Time, revival, and similar effects have no effect!

:timer_clock: History

=> Most Recent Occurrence of This Format: ⚔ [27th Dec, 2020] - 88th Raid Tournament - 5* Bloody Battle, All Elements

Defense teams of the top10 finishers last time. Thx @Randy for collecting this.

=> Click Here for Log of Past Tournaments

:left_speech_bubble: Before, During & After the Tournament: Share & Discuss Your Teams, Thoughts, Feedback, and Questions!

:speaking_head: Some topics to start off with:

Click for some suggested discussion points
  • Do this week’s restrictions on hero/troop rarity and elements make your bench depth better or worse suited to this Raid Tournament than Regular Raids?
  • Are there heroes you’re likely to use for this Tournament that you normally don’t make use of anymore?
  • Are there heroes you plan to power level for this Tournament, or level before the next time a Tournament like this one rolls around?
  • Do Costumes affect your team selection at all?
  • What are you thinking about using for your Defense Team?
  • Are there heroes you expect to see on Enemy Defenses that you think you’ll have a harder time dealing with than usual because of the restrictions or special rule in this Tournament?
  • Which of your heroes will you be likely to use on your Attack Teams?
  • Will the restrictions or special rule of this Tournament change your usual approach to color stacking or team building?
  • Are there elements of this week’s Tournament that are unclear to you?
  • Do you have feedback on the Tournament matchmaking?

:clipboard: Defense Team Tracking

Hat tip to @wineybrit for originating this thread idea with the second Raid Tournament

Click for suggestions on information to include in Defence Team Tracking
  • Which day of the Tournament is it?
  • How may times have you been attacked today, and in total?
  • What is your Defense Team’s win/loss record today, and in total?
  • What Defense Grade does your Defense Team have?
  • Which heroes make up your Defense Team?
  • What is the Team Power of your Defense Team?
  • What is your current Tournament Score and Ranking?

:gem: After the Tournament: Share Your Results & Rewards!

:world_map: Log & Guide to Raid Tournaments

A Log of past Tournaments, and an overview of how Raid Tournaments work, including Special Rules and Restrictions, Attacking, Matchmaking, Defense Grade, Scoring, and Rewards.

=> Click Here for: :medal_sports: Raid Tournaments – Log, Overview, Attacking, Matchmaking, Scoring, Restrictions, Special Rules, and Rewards


NOt again 5* tourney, all is based on 5* there should be NO tournament of 5* ffs…

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Thinking about these options, any thoughts are welcome :smiley:

Not sure about which flank for Skadi and Frigg though. What do you think? 1, 2 or 3?

Will be using this as the backbone of the team

Trying to decide what to do about green. My 5 star options are LotL +20 or Kingston +6. Not sure if the annoyance of the minions is enough to outweigh that she can’t heal.

Other options if don’t go rainbow is to use Gazelle+19 for the reduced damage or Anzogh who I can get to +8/9

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Lol, out of the 10 different heroes shown between @Wimster8 and @Kilted, I only have Seshat. Going to be a short tourny for me. It gets worse, just looked at the top ten and out of all those heroes, I only have 3, Seshat, Kingston, and Killhare. At least it should be a 3* next week.


It’s 3* Rush no Blue. Hope you have a couple of Sudris maxed :smiley:


Yeah I have none of @Wimster8 's heroes either (I’d use option 3 btw for skadi after friggs D down, might miss out on minions but might finish things off). I’m expecting to get to Wednesday and that’ll be it.

@Liam_K will be nice if that’s next I’m just finishing vollermork now so will get a chance to try him out.


I have 2, broken +20. Already looked ahead and have my defense for next week :wink:. Will only be using one Sudri though.

Anyways this thread is about this weeks tourny so see you all next week. Good luck all.

Something like this, or at least a combo of these heros (maybe Clarissa +18 and Fenrir +18 could see some action):

Once I figure out who could be the best tank of these, then will think about the rest of the team. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Bloody battle. I think I’ll go with Elizabeth tank and Frigg + Odin flanks. Onyx/Seshat on left wing and Morel on right. Should be annoying enough.

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Here…take your 1% loot of troop tokens, aethers , and emblems, and get outta here. I pray that I never face your defense. Sheesh!

Opinions on this defense?

Should i switch or change someone’s position?

I think these are the heroes I’m going with (defense not representative of actual teams). Only thing for sure is I’m tanking cKad, because 938 def and 1547 HP is Telly level, and the dodge is super mega annoying.

Kinda want to put Skadi in there to strongly deter minion heroes, but that feels a bit too specific. Liz seems like she would be very impactful, but on flank she may not fire in time to do her thing (but cKad’s dodge will hopefully help her survive long enough to fire once). GM is GM, and blind is never not useful especially in bloody battle.

Yeah dunno, need to think about this a bit more.

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1st draft


Not sure yet about c Rana and Hel…

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Can you give me any advice here?


I have too many options!

Tanks: Mitsuko, Neith or c.Kadilen are beasts

Fast wings: Jean F, Kingston, c.Kadilen, Vela+0,

Average damage-dealer flanks: cb.Domitia, Glenda, Mitsuko, Neith, etc…

And help would be appreciated…


I cant decide

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Thinking of this right now. Was debating putting in Skadi, but in Bloody I guess the faster hitter is preferable.

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Probably going with this defense. Not going to sweat it too much.

Unfortunately Elizabeth still needs one more ring.

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Am I missing something???

I would have thought that being bloody battle and considering that top defences generally don’t have a healer we would see the top 10 littered with the same old meta war defence and yet there is only 1…

I was thinking of going with this:

But I’m happy for anyone to explain the error of my ways if they know why this isn’t sensible

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I expect not to have any flags left by Thursday.

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