1556 Monk emblems, which hero should I level up?

I´ve got a bunch of monk emblems to spend, not sure tho on which hero. Wu kong may be an option for better titan hits, my Joon is currently sitting at 3.46 and I have only one dart and sadly no costume.
I also have 937 Rogue emblems.

Here´s my Heroplan link

In 1556 Charles V, having already abdicated as Holy Roman Emperor, resigns the Kingdom of Spain in favour of his son, Philip II, and retires to a monastery to become a monk.

Illuminati confirmed.

Had a look at your roster, nothing really sticks out other than Wu.

Do if you’re not worried about resetting him in future, go for it

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Emblem the hero you want to put on defense or is usually being used in most facets of the game. Period.


Definitely Wilbur for the 9 tiles with your 11 red mana troop.


Coincidence? I think not! (Don´t tell me you´ve known that :smiley: )

Don´t really care about resetting Wu when it´s time to do so…

totally forgot about Wilbur because i´m using him quite rarely. With the amount of emblems, I could get 2 4* to 20, thx

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Actually, you can get 3 epic heroes to +20. I wondered why you rarely use Wilbur. That fisherman is one of the best epic heroes we have in the game. Him and Sumle should be dealing massive damage together. Add Boldtusk in the mix and you’ll love them.


Wilbur is def a good choice have at +12 I’m thinking of giving a few more mayne +15 and leave as that.
Don’t have wu so can’t really say if he’s a used alot then go for it.
Wilbur is a awesome hero is prob one of the few 4* that people will take to +20 and stay that way for a long time.

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