⚔ [10th Apr 2022] - 155th Raid Tournament - 3* Rush Attack, No Ice/ Blue

low-key, one of my long-range game goals was to outright win a raid tournament. i didn’t expect it to happen this week. :joy:


i went into this week thinking, “let’s just make it to Friday without buying back in.” :laughing:

1 W Melia Poppy C. Azar Belith Kvasir
2 W Sally Treevil Skrekok Sudri Gramps
3 W Grevle Melia Treevil Noril C. Hawkmoon
4 W Grevle Treevil Bauchan Sally Namahage
5 L Treevil Sally Treevil Sally Treevil
6 W C. Hawkmoon Treevil Vollermork Sudri C. Jahangir
7 W Candy Treevil Bauchan Shrubbear Li
8 W Grevle Treevil By-Ulf Treevil Noril
9 W C. Hawkmoon Treevil Bauchan Treevil C. Tyrum
10 W C. Hawkmoon Treevil Sudri Grevle Sally
11 W Sally Noril Maeve Vollermork Poppy
12 W Gnomer Edd Dolgoon Poppy Gramps
13 W Sally Treevil C. Hawkmoon Sudri Maeve
14 W Grevle Treevil Bauchan Sally Namahage
15 W Gramps Bauchan Treevil Sudri Jahangir
16 W Sally Treevil Skrekok Noril Treevil
17 W Treevil Treevil Shrubbear Bauchan Treevil
18 W Poppy Treevil Sudri Maeve Sally
19 W Noril Treevil Sudri Noril Aderyn
20 L Gramps Treevil Treevil Shrubbear Treevil
21 W Treevil Grevle Noril Noril Aderyn
22 W Arman Vollermork Vollermork Ei-Dunn Noril
23 W Belith Sally Treevil Vollermork Noril
24 W Li Hawkmoon Bauchan Jahangir Sudri
25 W Gramps Treevil Vollermork Sally Grevle

i mentioned earlier in this thread that my defense was 39-10. after that point, i got more attacks than i was able to log (the most recent defense i tracked wasn’t showing up in my log anymore) because real life stuff was happening haha. i’m guessing my defense was attacked between 90-110 times.

i don’t even care about the loot (and i expected trash anyway), but here it is!