⚔ [03 Dec, 2023] - 241th Raid Tournament - 5* Rush Attack, No Holy/ Yellow

Attack team


D1 : 5-0

Darkfeather is god even at 4/49.
The last match was the hardest but Lysanor brought LuBu and Darkfeather back and their mana was fully charged so I overcame

Defense not tested yet

EDIT: I like rush because my best heroes are slow or very slow


I’ve met 4 Ludwigs and a single Alfrike. Masked Gods, Musketeers and Goblins are taking a lead over Alfrike


Perfectly acceptable 4-1 start to the tournament.

Yellow is not allowed so can’t use my usual Rush attack trio of Lepiota - Ludwig - Matilda. My roster is more very fast and fast snipers with few lumbering AoEs, and had to mix and match against each defense.

Ludwig in the middle and Lysanor at the left wing were the only ones never changed. Cardinal Richelieu is useful with his buff stealing fiends as well as being one of my strongest hitters. Ferrus is my other choice hitter. Xiaotu and Grimble came in against Sorrow and Cel. Kravekrush blocks the multi reviver teams. Arco and c2Rigard gave extra health boosts.

The one loss came against a Rayne tank flanked by LotL and Seshat. Used Xiaotu and the Cardinal to flank Ludwig. Was contemplating bringing Grimble, but Rayne’s poison made me bring c2Rigard instead. Rayne of course targeted and killed the bunny just as LotL fired. Lysanor brought her back, only for the opposing cFinley to put her down again. After that, it was just Lotl’s minions preventing my heroes from firing. Did manage to kill the tank so not a zero.

Rushing to get Areax ready. She’s at 4-68 and should be ready by Wednesday, if I’m still in the tournament that is :sweat_smile:

Defense has 1-1 so far.

Good luck everyone!


Late to the game but here’s my defense

So far I’m 5-0 on offense. My main heroes I used were Ludwig, Franz, Milady, C. Santa, and Khufu. I also swapped in Lu Bu for the double buff block, LoLo for the double Alfrike, and Hulda to counter/block Treevil.

I encountered 3 Ludwigs, all LB2, one of which flanked Treevil and another flanked Alfrike. Surprisingly, Treevil was the hero that nearly did me in, on the third move its special put most my heroes in the red, but Hulda saved the day as I hoped she would. Alfrike filled up before Ludwig’s LB2 Taunt ran out, but I used LoLo on Ludwig and that saved the day.


Today was not nice at all

Day 2
O: 3-2
D: 2-1

O: 8-2
D: 4-2 (A, A)
Score: 7,794

I lost against TWO LB2 cPanther flanked by Hetepheres, who kept going off and my accuracy was almost 0% it seemed, nothing was hitting. I managed to kill the tank cPanther, but then slowly died.
Then I got a 0 score on my last match which was a Costumed Snow White. For this match, I had NO chance because she went off 4 times, I literally had NO tiles to charge one hero. No other hero from the defense went off, just cSnow White, even though it had Brimstone and Tenebrae on it.


4-1 again on Day 2 which is fine with me.

Brought in Shrubbear a bit more today against the aggressive tanks. Xiaotu and Grimble also made their appearances against minion heroes. Loss was against the lowest TP team faced today of Ahmose - Milady - Alfrike - Khufu - Kalo. Of course, TP is deceiving due to the presence of Kalo, and it was the gargoyle who did me in after I killed the middle 3. Not a zero which feels like a win in Rush :grin:

Defense is doing well as well at 3-3 (B). Can’t wait to test out Areax on Day 3. She’s up to 4-73 now and I have around 950 Wizard emblems for her.

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 4-1 2-2 B 3,448 650 4,098
2 8-2 3-3 B 7,893 7,893

Good luck everyone! Watch out for the Green Gargoyle


Day 2 report:

Offense: 7-3
Defense: 1-7 (E)

Lol, I expected as much. Should’ve just put LB2 LotL as tank.

Indeed, Alfrike hasn’t really shown up recently, and I should’ve put Rochefort on my defense as well. Live and learn.


I’m 9-1 so far, incredibly, but i have not faced uberpowered defenses for now, tbh. I’m going with Loki, Kiril and then alternate the other three based on the enemies. Only loss came against that damn Khufu at tank: hitting like a truck is not enough, no, he always applies that damn passive sand damage too.

Defense, equally incredibly, is 4-0. Running Viscaro - LotL - Ludwig - Khagan - Pengi


Day 2: 5-0

Defense: 3-1 (overall) - A grade

Darkfeather is god. But Wednesday everything may change


Bloody Wednesday strikes again.

First match was against a 9HB - Lasalle - Khepri - Ukkonen - Heimdall team. Seemed like the best time to test out the newly level 80 Areax along with Lord Loki. Board was good and killed Khepri and Lasalle quickly. Heimdall followed soon after but then the Blue tiles just totally dried up. Was a slow, frustrating loss after that as the only hero I could charge was Arco and he alone couldn’t beat the remaining 2 heroes.

Won the next one and then a 2nd frustrating loss against a Phorcys - Staintongue - Serandite - Sobek - Aramis team. This time I could charge my Blues, but Lysanor failed to revive anyone the 3 times she fired. It came down to my Ferrus vs Sobek and Aramis. Ferrus charged but the cascade meant the opponents fired first.

Loss number 4 and I bought back in because defense is B and still wanted to test out Areax. Match number 4 was my first zero of the tournament. Just no chance against a Darkfeather tank flanked by Aramis and Brimstone.

Won the last one to avoid a 4 loss day, but still a bloodbath in every sense. Only bright spot was the B defense (5-5) though it dipped to C (4-5) at the end of Day 2.

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 4-1 2-2 B 3,448 650 4,098
2 8-2 4-5 C 7,893 500 8,393
3 10-5 5-5 B 10,959 10,959

Good luck everyone! Hope you make it through Day 3 unscathed!


Wow, I had tough teams and really felt like each time it was a loss, some of them I started with no tiles or set them off fast, but I won ALL matches

Day 3
O: 5-0
D: 2-0

O: 13-2
D: 7-3 (A, A, A) (70%)
Score: 12,992

I have been using the exact same offensive team regardless of who I am against.
c2rigard / Louhi / Ludwig / LoTL / Frog Prince

Keep in mind, it’s only a 5200 TP team, but works great. Only Rigard is LB2, and Louhi + Ludwig are LB1, LotL and Frog are not limit broken.

If I can fire off Louhi AND frog prince, it’s such a good combination.

My first match was against
LB2 Frog Prince / LB2 Phorcys / LB2Waterpipe / LB2Chomper / LB2 Serandite

I didn’t lose a single hero, even though they ALL went off at least once, this is the one I was shocked at the most


You know what would be awesome? If they had one of these raid tournaments that encouraged people to use purple tanks. I never see any of those.

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To be honest I have been dealing with a variety this tournament; granted they do also have purples in as flanks - like my first match was Waterpipe Tank flanked by Phorcys.

I am 14-1 day 3.

Been playing Milady Ludwig Waterpipe Aramis Darkfeather the whole time. One Loss was due to having a destruction core bombardment that my team couldn’t withstand.


What a difference a day makes. Lysanor woke up on the right side of the bed today, and she revived almost every dead hero I had. Granted, I was fighting easier teams after yesterday’s losses, but the last 2 defenses were over 6000 TP.

The hero today was definitely Loki. He had a lot of fun copying Alfrike and Ludwig. In the last match, he even copied the Mega Minion of Madhammer :rofl:

Currently in top 1%, but defense is down to D now after 3 straight losses. But on to the last day!

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 4-1 2-2 B 3,448 650 4,098
2 8-2 4-5 C 7,893 500 8,393
3 10-5 5-7 C 10,959 500 11,459
4 15-5 5-8 D 15,641 15,641

Good luck everyone!


Day 4 report:

My jokingly assembled defense has surprisingly caught up and is now at 5-9 (D). It wasn’t as bad as expected. My offense has settled to a team consisting of Guan Yu-Rochefort-C2 Rigard-Kitty-Ahmose. Reflect is great and fire reflect against all the people using Khufu is even better. Most of my enemies just kill themselves.

Offense 15-5
Defense: 5-9


Yesterday another 4-1, today went bad. One win, two consecutive losses and i’m out at 14-4. Last loss against a LotL tank who fired after an unfortunate cascade and her minions “randomly” hit the three heroes i had charged. From there, there was no recovery. If only one were spared maybe i could still have a chance.

Defense still unbeaten, i guess Ludwig+LotL are deadly against middle tier players, since i haven’t any hard hitter instakiller


Day 4
O: 4-1
D: 0-0

O: 17-3
D: 7-3 (A, A, A, A) (70%)
Score: 17,386

The one I lost to, was kind of hopeless to be fair, even though I had tiles, I set Alfrike tank of about 3 times from combos, and then my heroes killed themselves haha.
The one I LOST to, I scored 0 on, and this was the team = ALL LB2:
Khufu / Darkfeather / Alfrike / Queen Anne / Milady

Utimately, I got destroyed in that. The team after was 6500 and a very tough one, but I somehow won and only lost Ludwig!


I forgot posting but

Day 3 - 5-0

Day 4 - 5-0

Darkfeather is god (I know it’s repeating) and Lysanor is a monster. She made me win the last one reviving all of my other heroes. DF, Ludwig and LuBu revived charged so…

Defense 4-2


Day 5
O: 4-1
D: 1-0

O: 21-4
D: 9-3 (A, A, A, A, A)
Score: 21,803 (22,703 if i stay as A)

Today i lost to this, i scored 0